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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Acai Berry: Does It Contain Side Effects?

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is an amazing health food. When you drink the Acai juice you lower your cholesterol, look and feel younger, fight cancer cells, and have more energy. With all those benefits many would think that it had some sort of side effects.

It is very unlikely but some could be allergic to Acai berry. There has been no evidence to date that Acai has any adverse side effects on the body. The fruit is naturally organic and is just like other natural fruits bananas, oranges, and apples. Acai is contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

The only thing I would be worried about is if I purchased an Acai supplement in pill form. There could be additional ingredients, besides Acai that might have side effects. Many of the Acai pills you see advertised are produced by companies with shady business practices, so be sure to read and research all the ingredients before you buy an Acai product.

Your best bet to get your daily dose of Acai is to go with an all natural 100% Acai berry juice. Since this is Acai in its most natural form your body will be able to absorb all the nutrients much better than if you were getting it from a supplement.

Plus, Acai juice tastes amazing so you are missing out on that delicious taste if you do not drink the juice. With Acai juice you will easily be able to see all the ingredients (which should pretty much be all Acai) and will be able to avoid any side effects from anything else they put in.

One of the best reasons to take Acai berry is that it has no side effects to go along with all the amazing benefits. - 17268

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