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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Secrets Powers of Huperzine A and why its called vitamins for the brain

By Reese James

There is an exclusive type of lycopod, which is the source of Huperzine A. It is found in the venation of cocaine and caffeine and is an efficacious type of chemical element, which comes from the type of substances known as 'alkaloids'. At the outset, it was segregated in 1948 by Chinese scientists. This chemical element is more like a medicine than a flowering shrub. Nevertheless, it can be purchased as a non-prescription dietary supplement to help cure mental damages and problems with remembering.

Animal based research studies have come to the conclusion that it is very effective in boosting memory. Later on, the research extended to people and then Huperzine A became popular as a supplement that treats Alzheimer's and other such disorders. It is also widely known that Huperzine A pills are available as vitamins, which improve memory and mental function even in those who do not have Alzheimer's.

Good Points:

Huperzine A also slows down the enzyme known as 'acetylcholinesterase', which breaks down the acetylcholine, a chemical substance, which serves a vital function in proper mental function. While this enzyme breaks down, the level of acetylcholine in your brain tends to rise. Medicines that slow down acetylcholinesterase such as donepezil and tacrine will improve your memory retention and memory power. As a result, you can keep yourself away from Alzheimer's and other serious conditions.

The manner in which Huperzine A reacts is very particular and absolute. It fixes itself on the enzyme in the position where acetylcholine is supposed to enter. Due to this, the enzyme cannot work on acetylcholine to break it down. This procedure was carried out by scientists using state of the art computer simulation of the molecular forms. Also, Huperzine A is important because it saves the nerve cells from undergoing damage from within.

Although Huperzine A can be found in drug stores as a nutritional supplement, it is just like a regular medication. In laboratories, it is distilled perfectly and it is found to be just one chemical substance and not any sort of herb. Herbs may have numerous chemicals in them; Huperzine A is just one of them. The physical appearance of Huperzine A is similar to drugs like codeine, digoxin, vincristine and Sudafed which are also pure chemicals that have come from plants. Huperzine A is also available as a memory or brain pill to boost memory powers in completely normal people.

Is there any Scientific Evidence to Prove Its Effectiveness?

Yes, there are studies and researches done on Huperzine to prove its effectiveness. For instance, a study conduced in China reports the following outcome:

They conducted a test on 103 people who had Alzheimer's and they were given Huperzine A along with placebos twice a day for a couple of months. What was seen was that around 60% of the people seemed to have improved in terms of having better attention and focus. They were able to remember better and their behavioral functions had also improved considerably while those who had taken placebos showed no such improvement.

An Important Note:

Even though it works so explicitly, it still has some side effects as well. For instance, kids, pregnant and nursing women, or people with high level of blood pressure or severe kidney or liver diseases need to avoid taking Huperzine A.

Huperzine A is a very strong substance and the recommended amounts in which it should be consumed is about 100 to 200 mg a couple of times a day to take care of remembering problems that occur due to advanced age. Nevertheless, it is best to take it only when advised by a doctor. - 17268

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