Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Food Lover's Guide to Weight Loss

By Barbara Vinciguerra, MS, Fitness Nutrition Coach, Performance Enhancement Specialist

You want to lose weight. You really do. There's just this little problemyou love food. But diets require that you give up all the foods that you know and love in exchange for celery sticks and water. Boring! Who really wants to do that? Guess you'll just have to deal with the extra weight, right? Wrong! Losing weight doesn't require that you give up your love of food-in fact, healthy weight loss encourages great eating. And that is good news for you, beloved food lover. Great eating means never going hungry and never feeling deprived. Sound good? Read on for the simple guidelines to great eating that result in healthy and long term weight loss.

Four Fat Loss Tips to Put into Practice 1. Eat at least five times a day at regular intervals 2. Eat 4 oz of lean protein at least twice a day 3. Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables and fruit 4. Make every calorie count, this means every bite should pack protein, fiber and fat.

10 Essential Nutrition-Based Weight Loss Guidelines 1. Focus on eating a variety of foods every day. 2. Eat fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors. Green, yellow, orange, get the idea. 3. Eat small meals frequently, preferably 4-6 times. Also avoid overeating or binge eating out of hunger. 4. Say no to excess calories! Avoid putting butter or sour cream on your food. 5. When you feel the first shot of hunger pain, wait it out. If you still feel hungry after 10-15 minutes then eat. If you aren't hungry any more it was likely your emotions speaking and not your tummy! 6. Plan healthy meals ahead of time-this will save you many calories! 7. Stop eating before you feel full. Your brain is slow in receiving the full signal from your tummy-so give it a chance to catch up! 8. Eat fruits and vegetables first, then meats. This forces you to fill up on nutrient dense, yet calorie-sparse, foods first. 9. Drink water instead of soda pop. Your body isn't able to register all of the calories in liquid, so hundreds of calories add up without making you feel full. 10. Trade your white bread in for whole-grain bread, or better yet skip it all together.

Ten Weight Loss Guidelines 1. Focus on eating a variety of foods every day. 2. Eat fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors. Green, yellow, orange, get the idea. 3. Eat small meals frequently, preferably 4-6 times. Also avoid overeating or binge eating out of hunger. 4. Say no to excess calories! Avoid putting butter or sour cream on your food. 5. When you feel the first shot of hunger pain, wait it out. If you still feel hungry after 10-15 minutes then eat. If you aren't hungry any more it was likely your emotions speaking and not your tummy! 6. Plan healthy meals ahead of time-this will save you many calories! 7. Stop eating before you feel full. Your brain is slow in receiving the full signal from your tummy-so give it a chance to catch up! 8. Eat fruits and vegetables first, then meats. This forces you to fill up on nutrient dense, yet calorie-sparse, foods first. 9. Drink water instead of soda pop. Your body isn't able to register all of the calories in liquid, so hundreds of calories add up without making you feel full. 10. Trade your white bread in for whole-grain bread, or better yet skip it all together.

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