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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

First Acai Berry Research is Inconclusive

By Paul Charles

You've likely read much about this superfruit already. There have been countless diets advertised, celebrities and billionaire media moguls have sworn how great it works, and there are of course ads upon ads trying to convince you that acai is the best thing since moms apple pie. But the clinical facts from the acai berry research paint their own picture, free from hype. To begin with, we know that the acai berry comes from a palm tree that grows mainly in South America. Brazil is the primary country where the acai berry is grown and processed.

You can read all the reports you want to on this berry, and all of them will have something different to say about the actual antioxidant potency. Most of these reports claim that the antioxidant value of the acai berry is very high, while others claim it is intermediate, and still others say it is just above that of orange juice. In comparison to several of the fruits and juices that are already very high in antioxidants, there is little concrete evidence as to how the acai berry matches up.

Naturally, all fruits and vegetables are more nutritious if you can get them fresh. However getting the acai berry fresh in the United States, or really anywhere outside of Brazil, is a big problem. This is because it cannot last long enough to ship it in the fresh form, so they have found a way to condense it to powder as a freeze dried form. The problem with this is that the manufacturers are not making the pure form. They are adding bulk ingredients to make the product stretch further and up their profits. They are adding preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. Like with any other product, it has become all about the money.

The United States' FDA is at this time neither approving nor denying the acai berry's nutritional value. They are not researching it at this time, since it doesn't grow anywhere under their jurisdiction. That means there will be no forthcoming FDA official reports about it. They figure since it will not be a crop that is ever grown in the United States, they don't need to worry about researching it. Brazil is the main area that grows this product, and the exportation rules are governed by their government.

Research at the University of Florida has recently shown that the effects of acai on leukemia cells has had a very positive reaction. It seems that instead of actually destroying the cells, it has caused a reaction that causes the cells to destroy themselves... Some medical researchers are claiming that their studies will show that the acai berry is going to be the new wonder cure for almost every ailment the human race suffers from... Assuming other scientists can reproduce these results.

The FDA has gully authorized the use of labeling claims that plant sterols reduce the risk of heart disease. Several of the acai berry research reports claim that acai is very high in plant sterols, and would be very effective in stopping coronary heart disease. This seems to be the one fact that has no opposition in the whole world of acai berry research. - 17268

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