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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Profile of the Superfood Noni Juice

By Frederick Jacobson

Morinda Citrifolia, Moringa, and Indian Mulberry are the known names for Noni. The major crop is a tree that thrives in black lava soil in the islands of Hawaii. This tree grows and produces fruit all year long. Transplanted and cultivated to other areas, it will only grow in shrub form and will not produce as much or as valuable a fruit as the trees in Hawaii. Noni is native to Hawaii, but has been established in other hot humid climates.

All parts of the Noni tree can be used for something. The bark and leaves are used by many natives and health food industries for herbal and natural healing and medicinal remedies. Cooked or raw, the noni fruit is edible, although few like the sour, spoiled flavor that has earned it the nickname starvation fruit.

There are several large companies that have started producing and marketing noni juice. As with any product, make sure you are getting the juice fresh, and without additives and preservatives, if possible. Noni juice contains 17 known amino acids, 9 of them are the ones that the FDA has determined are essential to a healthy system. This juice also contains essential fatty acids that are important in skin, nerve, heart and blood vessel health.

Destruction of free radicals and cancer prevention are front runners in health concerns today. Glycosides are important in the fight against both of these destructive forces. Citrus fruits and juices contain Limonene which is responsible for cancer fighting agents.

Something else found noni juice, Nitric Oxide, works on all areas of our bodies including behavior functions of the human brain, blood cell dilation, immunity, functioning airways, and a healthy heart rate. Many health officials declare that Nitric Oxide is among the most important nutrients needed to have a healthy system, since it is involved in almost every part of our body.

You will find exceptional amounts of Phytonutrients and Polysaccharides in noni juice, which provide nourishment for cells, organs and tissue, fighting free radicals, helping to prevent cancer, and having a reversing effect on aging and pollution. Selenium, also, is an important mineral that helps preserve the skins elasticity, slows the aging process and helps keep the oxygen flowing to the heart. It helps prevent clotting to the arteries of the heart and prevents hypertension. This is another trace element that is found in Noni Juice.

Recent research has disclosed that out body also needs more Xeronine. Our body is not capable of storing this substance in large enough quantities, therefore it needs to be replaced on a daily basis. Noni is one of the world's only high-concentrations of this substance, and noni juice is perfect as a way to replenish our bodies of this much-needed nutrient. - 17268

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