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Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Eat a Pomegranate; Three Different Ways

By Edgar Darren

Florida, Arizona and California are a few of the US states that grow pomegranate. They are of course more common in their native south asian countries like India, Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan, and Turkey where the summers are very hot but the winters are cooler but not icy.

The skin on this red colored fruit is a little tough and not easy to peel. The best way to peel it is to cut the top of first, slice the skin into 4 different sections, like you would do if you were cutting up an apple or orange. Soak the fruit in a bowl of water for a few minutes to soften it up. Then break the fruit apart in the bowl of water. The tasty fruit inside, the arils, will sink to the bottom and the white rind and separators will float to the top.

Simply strain it from that point, then you can start to eat it. You can eat the seeds as well as the fruit surrounding it, (the entire arils) but most people just eat the fruit off the seeds.

If you want to use the seeds later, you can dry them, then grind them up for seasoning. You can also use them whole in desert dishes, soups, and stews. Others enjoy the fruit heated up and topped with a little sugar, sour cream or yogurt. You can also put the seeds into your favorite Jello, pudding or mixed fruit dish.

If you don't like the first method of how to eat a pomegranate, you can use the fan method instead. In this method the fruit is divided into halves. The halves are sectioned, but not all the way through. Turning the halves upside down over a bowl, you can push the back of the fruit and pull on the sides dropping the seeds into the bowl underneath, or you can simply tap on the back (top) with a kitchen utensil and the fruit should just fall out. Discard the rind and white parts again, and you are ready to eat.

Historically, people used to just pull them off the tree, poke holes in the rind, peel it back and tear large pieces of the fruit apart. Once they had a big enough chunk, they would just pull the seeds out with their fingers and eat them. You can use this method in your kitchen too, and even scoop the seeds out with a spoon for more ease. Be warned though, the juice is a very dark pigment and can stain anything that it touches, including your skin and clothes! - 17268

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