Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Get a Flat Stomach and Burn Belly Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

A combination of three things, mindset, diet, and exercise is the secret to burning belly fat and getting a flat stomach. Like you, I've encountered a lot of printed advice regarding diet and exercise, but I realize that in order to succeed, a person must have the right mental conditioning.

Before embarking on a change of lifestyle, you need to give yourself a check up from the neck up first. Understand why you want to be thinner, know the reasons why you aren't thin, and mentally accept the things that you are going to have to change in order to get a flat stomach.

It is essential to have a proper diet. If you drink coffee, try drinking it black instead of with sugar. Start with a good, healthy breakfast, and make sure your lunch and dinner are reasonable and healthy. Try to stay away from fast foods for lunch. Quick, junk food items are loaded with preservative ingredients and calories, and overconsumption of them is bad for health.

Avoid soda and other items with high amounts of sugar. Try drinks that have a natural sugar content, like fruit juices, instead. Raw vegetables can be a healthy and nutritious side-dish alternative to potato chips or french fries with a meal. They'll give you added energy, and besides, they're delicious!

It is OK for you to eat your favorite foods a couple times a week, but just eat less of them. Don't go back for seconds. I think it is not so bad to snack after dinner, it just all depends on what you snack on. If you eat high fatty foods that are full of sugar, then they will stay in your system for a long time.

You should exercise every day, but don't do the same exercises every day. Don't try to do too much at first, take a short walk, do a few sit-ups, etc.

I advice you to don't exercise hard all days. The hard exercises should be limited to at least every other day. During your off days do small things such as using the staircase rather than the elevator at work or mow your lawn.

You should take your time and go slow at first and as time goes by then you can increase your exercise to help you achieve your goal. Sit-ups are the way to go for this but don't throw out your back. Always to 10 minutes of stretching before you get into the hard exercise. In addition, a number of different exercise apparatus are available to help work out your abs with little stress on your spine.

Once you know what you like, it is important to stay with that exercise routine as much as you can. Don't fool yourself into believing that if you skip a workout, you will make up for it in the next workout session. It will be easy to think of reasons why exercise isn't necessary.

Purchase a portable scale and keep track of how you are doing. When you see yourself losing weight you will be encouraged to keep going. If you're not satisfied with the results you're getting, then try changing your workout regime or your dietary habits. Keep in mind that there are many people just like you who have also made the commitment to burn belly fat and achieve a flat stomach. - 17268

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