Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2 New Ways to Lose Weight with Acai Berry

By Caitlin Ryan

If you have been searching for a method to lose weight and achieve a gorgeous figure as well as improve your appearance and overall health, I have a solution for you. There is an amazing super fruit called acai berry that is found in the Amazon rainforest.

I lost those last ten pounds and improved my appearance with radiant skin and hair through using an acai berry supplement (loads of antioxidants) coupled with a weight loss menu and exercise program.

Acai berry supplements will boost your weight loss program, but they will not promote weight loss all on their own. The antioxidant content in acai berry supplements can improve your weight loss efforts and restore a more youthful appearance through their action on free radicals and their ability to repair and heal the body.

An anti-aging weight loss program uses the acai berry supplement and a weight loss plan that eliminates age-producing foods and incorporates gentle yet effective exercise to minimize toxicity and joint damage.

The evils behind aging are foods that promote free radical damage and decrease our ability to repair, regenerate, heal and protect the body. Refined sugar products and fatty foods that have high amounts of saturated fat or any trans fat are damaging to the body AND they cause you to gain weight. Swap these types out for whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean protein. Try couscous instead of rice. Try ground turkey instead of ground beef. Try to avoid alcohol or limit your consumption and drink plenty of calorie free fluids such as green tea or pure water.

Over-exercising is often detrimental to your body. Instead of killing yourself at the gym, switch to more moderate exercise such as swimming, hiking, yoga, walking or biking. These are all extremely effective for weight loss IF you are willing to incorporate them 30-40 minutes per day at least five times a week!

Another plan is the maximum energy weight loss program that incorporates an acai berry supplement, a grazing menu that uses nutrient dense foods and an exercise program meant to boost energy, not drain it.

Grazing is eating several smaller meals per day rather than eating a few large meals. You boost your metabolism and energy when you eat clean foods in smaller portions morning, mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon and evening. For example, breakfast (which you should never skip!) could be an egg over a piece of whole-meal toast and a bowl of strawberries. Keep healthful snacks available and eat a light lunch and dinner.

Use interval training to gain maximum energy. Try some combination programs such as circuit training combined with cardio or kickboxing. Use a treadmill or elliptical and following warm-up, alternate every other minute between high intensity and low intensity.

You need to figure your daily caloric needs for both of the plans using an online calorie calculator. Subtract 300 calories from the figure. Make sure you understand portion sizes and use a food diary just for awhile to familiarize yourself with an appropriate daily intake. For the acai berry supplement, just follow the directions on the bottle. - 17268

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