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Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Acai Berry vs. Pomegranate

By Carter Sinclair

In the health and food industry the two most talked about super foods are the Acai berry and pomegranates. Both contain an excellent source of minerals and vitamins and are very healthy for you. The question is which one is better for you? We're going to have a battle and you decide which one is better.

In the Red Corner We Have Pomegranate!

Some legends talk about the pomegranate as giving Helen of Troy her beauty. Native to northern India and Iran this sweet tasting fruit is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. Here are some of the healthy benefits of the pomegranate:

* High levels of antioxidants (10500 ORAC Assay)

* Has folic acid and is rich in vitamins E, C, and A

* Good cholesterol levels are raised and reduces plaque in your arteries

* Helps to prevent enzymes from damaging your cartilage

* Fights against cancer

* Slows down the aging process

Acai is up next, lets check out how it performs.

And Acai Berry In The Purple Trunks!

A taste like chocolate and berries the Acai berry is delicious. It has exploded in popularity and is now not only a staple for its native people but is now making its way around the world. This Amazon Rainforest berry has some amazing health benefits for example:

* Has a high level of antioxidants (18,400 on the ORAC Assay)

* Is has many essential fatty acids

* Contains a long lasting energy boost similiar to Redbull and coffee (without caffeine)

* Fights cancer cells

* Slows down the aging process

* Contains high levels of vitamins E, C, and B, amino acids, and fiber

Those are some pretty powerful benefits from a little berry, but are it enough to defeat the pomegranate?

And The Winner Is...

Acai berry takes down pomegranate. It was a close decision but the break point was that Acai has almost double the antioxidant levels (18400 vs 10500) of pomegranate. Acai provides a long lasting energy boost that contains many healthy vitamins and nutrients. While pomegranate does help protect you from arthritis and cartilage damage it wasn't enough for the decision. Congratulations Acai berry! - 17268

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