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Friday, April 17, 2009

Amazon Acai Capsules

By Carter Sinclair

Oprah recently featured the Acai berry on her show naming it the number 1 superfood on the market today. It has recently taken the health and food industry by storm. Ads have been promoting the Acai juice and lately also the Acai Capsules.

Acai berry contains around 3870 ORAC and doctors suggest you should have at least 1600 ORAC a day which means Acai contains more than double the amount. The ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which measures the level of antioxidants in foods. Acai has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of foods out there.

What does this research suggest? To make it simple Acai can lower your risk of a heart attack, make you look and feel younger, and help prevent you from cancer. Pretty good results from a berry so small.

Omega 3, 6, 9 essential fatty acids help your brain function better, lowers cholesterol, improves your mood, and increases blood circulation. Acai contains high levels of all these essential fatty acids. In addition, you will also get an increase in your energy levels and feel better than coming down from a sugar or caffeine high.

Many people are jumping on the Acai berry bandwagon because of all the health benefits listed above. Acai has so many benefits its insane, it helps you if your old or young, sick or healthy, or if your just looking for more energy to have throughout your day.

The Acai berry tastes like a mixture between that of a chocolates and berries. The juice is amazing but the capsules also provide all the health benefits that you get from drinking the juice. Acai berry is mostly sold as the juice, powders, or capsules because the fruit doesn't stand up to transportation very well. - 17268

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