Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Strengthen Every Joint First

By Dan Solaris

With the advances in the production of fast and convenient gastronomic fare, it has become a real challenge for people to keep their weight down. Believe it or not, recent CDCP figures say 66% of Americans are above their ideal weight. Perhaps that's why people with highly-defined midsections are becoming harder to run into at the beach.

It's not because of lack of trying. There's a high attrition rate among folks who start working-out to get six pack abs because of misconceptions about how to exercise effectively. The wrong exercises bring slow results and loss of motivation.

Most people, for example, do sit-ups and crunches session after session while leaving-out the lumber and oblique muscles. The imbalance of strength can actually result in back pain and injury because the spinal column is strained. Working-out improperly brings slow results which lead to frustration and quitting.

Developing six pack abs is all about having a low body fat percentage. Muscle definition, especially around the abdomen will be non-existent if we still have a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat- no matter how many sit-ups and leg raises we perform each day.

Because most of the culinary delights we partake of each day are loaded with trans-fats and processed sugars, it's quite impossible for us to lose fat by going about our daily routines without exercising. The vast amounts of surplus calories we get from the jelly donuts and cheezy fries can only be off-set by an effective exercise regimen every day.

Intense total body exercise maximizes the amount of calories we burn per workout session. Only by getting as much muscle groups working can we hope to get lean enough to get the 10% body fat index required to bring out a well-defined abdomen and improve joint strength.

The development of muscle that results from regular exercise enforces the joints in our body by strengthening the tissues around them. The constant activity also leads to the production of natural lubricants that prevent friction and cartilage damage.

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in America. It is mostly caused by too much joint-stress brought about by excess weight. Working-out consistently will not only prevent this by lightening the load on our joints, we also get an awesome set of shredded abs in the process! - 17268

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