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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How To Build Big Muscles Naturally And Quickly

By Danny Gutierrez

It is absolutely phenomenal how many gym goers bust their behinds every single day in the gym only to fail to make any significant progress with their physique. It's not because they're not working hard obviously it's because they simply don't know what it actually takes to build muscle. Don't make the same mistake and read the rest of this article to discover what it actually takes to build muscle.

The key to building muscle isn't actually working out in the gym. You build muscle outside of the gym. When you're working out in the gym what you're actually doing is tearing down your muscles and breaking them down. To build muscles you have to feed your muscles the right nutrients and you also have to rest.

The key to building huge muscles is consuming protein. Protein is the building block of muscle. Your muscles are made up of two things... water and protein. In order to build muscle you need to consume about 1-2 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you weigh 200 pounds you should consume at least 200 grams of protein every day if you want to maintain your muscle.

The thing about protein is most people don't know where they can get it from so here is a short list of some good protein sources. As far as meat goes all meat has protein but you want to stick to the ones that have the least amount of bad fat like leans cuts of red meat, chicken breasts and of course most types of fish are great for you. If you're on a budget tuna has always been a great muscle builder. There is also milk and cottage cheese as well as nuts such as almonds and peanuts. And of course protein shakes are also a great source of protein.

Ok so you already know what you're supposed to be eating if you want to grow muscles now let's talk about some of the most important times to be consuming your protein and ore importantly the most important times to be consuming your nutritional supplements. First thing in the morning when you wake up and immediately following your workout are two timers you should definitely be taking your protein supplements.

Drinking a nutritional supplement type protein drink right after your workout in the gym is a great way to build muscle in a hurry. Right after your workout your muscles are starving and this is the opportune time to feed them protein because your muscles are literally like sponges. If you do anything and you want to build muscle you should really consider drinking a protein shake after your workout.

Another aspect of muscle growth that most gym goers don't pay much attention to is recuperation. Your body and your muscles need to rest between workouts. You need to be sleeping at least eight hours per night if you want to put your body in a position to grow. Make sure you give your body plenty of time to rest or your muscles may not respond to your workouts.

Building muscle doesn't have to be as hard as a lot of people make it out to be so long as you stick to the basics... when you're trying to add muscle to your body you need to remember that there are three components that you need to focus on and they are working out, diet (which is basically protein consumption) and rest and recuperation. Work out in the gym, consume a lot of protein and rest when you're not pumping iron. That's the formula for getting big in a hurry. - 17268

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