Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Overcoming Lifelong Bad Habits

By Benedict Hunter

Living an active life makes a person fit and healthy. Movement and activity are essential to everyone who wants to stay fit and not limited to only those with weight problems.

The world presents lots of opportunities to get moving, like jogging around the block or playing sports with friends and family. But if you aspire to do something more specific than being generally healthy, such as building muscle mass, then the gym is the best place to be.

Why people go to the gym

Here are a few things that induce people to start working out:

* They're carrying too much extra weight and decide to use exercise along with diet to reduce their body fat.

* They are hoping to build muscle mass by lifting weights and doing other intensive exercises.

* They just want to stay in shape and enjoy the social interaction at the same time.

An effective workout should cover all the bases. It should include aerobic and strength building exercises, as well as stretches to improve flexibility and prevent injuries. These comprehensive programs burn lots of calories, lower your body fat percentage, and improve metabolism.

What You Can Expect To Gain

1. Exercise is one of the easiest ways to improve and protect your health from a slew of diseases and early death.

2. Regulate hormone levels that cause stress, fatigue, and other symptoms of an imbalanced system. Promote the production of endorphins, the hormones the create feelings of satiety and well-being.

3. Live a longer, healthier life than someone who does not engage in physical activity.

Fitness is a commitment that will take time. Don't expect to reach your goals in one day or one weekend. But if you are consistent and follow your routine, you will reap enormous benefits.

Eat to Complement Your Healthy Lifestyle

To maximize the rewards of a sensible exercise program, you should also have a diet program and a strong will to stick to it. Exercise and diet work hand in hand to get you in best shape and glowingly healthy at the same time.

Becoming fit isn't a formula composed of costly vitamin pills and complicated exercise equipment. It isn't a commitment to being hungry all the time or giving up the things you love. It is a combination of moderation and hard work that will make you trim and healthy.

Nourish your body with foods that contain lots of vitamins, mineral and fiber. These can be derived from rice, oats, potatoes, legumes, nuts and cereals. However, the best sources of nourishment are found in fruits and vegetables which contain phytochemicals, micronutrients and enzymes essential in sustaining health.

Fats and oils get a lot of bad press, but they are actually a necessary part of a healthy diet. The trick is choosing the right kinds of fats and oils. Mono- and poly-unsaturated fats are beneficial to your health, but you should avoid animal fats as they can cause health problems.

Choose clean living

Avoid putting harmful substances like smoke or alcohol into your body. Smoking tobacco is known to cause cancer and complicates heart conditions, pregnancy, and a host of other illnesses. Alcohol also has serious effects on your health and can lead to liver disease, heart disease, and substance abuse.

Forming a good habit takes time and effort, not to mention patience. But the good news is that once you've established a good habit, it's just as hard to break as a bad one. - 17268

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