Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cabbage Soup Diet, Just Another Low To No Carb Diets

By Christine G. Shannon

One of the low to no carb diets you have undoubtedly heard of is the cabbage soup diet. This diet works well for most people, at least in the short term. There is some appreciable weight loss in the first few weeks, but most people who try the diet lose interest quickly and regain the weight. This is like what happens in all of these low to no carb diets. If you want a diet which will work for you over a longer time, it needs to have the variety which will let you enjoy, not dread your meals.

Because it is also called a fat-burning soup diet, it contains ingredients in the soup, which would be considered fat-burning. Besides the soup, there is not much else that can be eaten other than low carb or no carb fruits and vegetables.

By looking at what goes into this fat burning soup, you can see why the cabbage soup diet is considered a low to no carb diet. This soup is made of vegetables which help burn fat; peppers, tomatoes, onions and of course cabbage. You can also substitute cauliflower, broccoli, kale or other members of the cabbage family for the cabbage in this recipe and add seasonings to taste.

This is a diet which is very low in carbohydrates, which your body converts to sugar - the unused energy is then stored as fat. This is a low carb vegetable soup, made with ingredients which encourage your body to burn fat and lose weight. It works for most, but since most of these dieters quickly lose interest in the diet, it is only effective in the short term.

The diet works like this: Eat all the soup you want every day, whenever you are hungry. In addition to the soup, the only thing you can eat on Day 1 is Fruit, except bananas, Day 2 is vegetables, except for dry beans, peas and corn, also forbidden on low to no carb diets. However, on Day 2 for dinner, you can have a baked potato, which is carbs, but they use it to fool the metabolism into thinking you are eating carbs again.

Day three is soup, along with fruits and vegetables. On day four, you can eat soup, skim milk and bananas. Day five adds tomatoes and lean meats; on day six, you can also have lean meats and leafy vegetables. On the last day, you can have brown rice along with your soup. This is not a diet which many can stick with for long - it does not offer a lot of variety or meet your protein needs over the long term.

The cabbage soup diet is a lot like the other low to no carb diets; it limits your carb intake. It also does not limit how often or how much you can eat, but it does limit your choices.

While the cabbage soup diet doesn't restrict how many times a day you eat, and is like other low to no carb diets, the best diet is one that would include fat burning foods, as well as a variety of nutritional food, allow you to eat numerous times a day, that you could lose weight on and stick with long-term, like FatLoss4Idiots program that is highly recommended in the link below. - 17268

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