Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Flatter Abs - High Intensity, More Muscle

By Dan Soalris

Going through the daily grind nowadays takes up more time compared to the previous generations- more traffic, more work to do, more stress. For most people, it seems like there are just not enough hours in a day to be able to do what they want and that includes going to the gym to get flatter abs.

Since I'm not a financial adviser, I'm going to address that last problem plaguing much of society these days. There are still ways for people to get around a tight schedule so they can still do the right exercises for getting flatter abs in a short time.

In their quest for the almighty dollar, a large portion of society these days find it hard to find time to exercise. The lack of adequate physical activity combined with the potpourri of instant, delicious junk food we have at our disposal have made it all too easy to pack on the pounds and get oversized bellies.

Losing weight and attaining flatter abs is all about managing daily intake and usage of calories. A healthy diet and workout regimen designed to keep the body's metabolic rate at optimum calorie-burning levels is all that is really needed to get and maintain six pack abs.

Aside from being able to strut around the beach like a Baywatch lifeguard, having a lean, muscular physique also has the lesser-known advantage of keeping a person's metabolism high. A higher metabolic rate means more calories are used-up by the body instead of storing it as fat.

Most people are unaware of the fact that muscles use-up calories even in while immobile. This means our metabolism is directly proportionate to the amount of muscles we have and the more of it we pack on, the less fat we gain and soon after- voila, flatter abs!

Putting together a workout program that combines the calorie-busting benefits of high intensity aerobic sessions with muscle-building resistance training is the best way for people with a hectic schedule to get flatter abs. The calories burned doing hour's worth of low to moderate intensity exercises can be done in 15-20 minutes of intense exercise.

There are lots of ways to do cardiovascular exercises without getting bored- kickboxing, swimming, basketball, the list goes on. You don't have to limit yourself to dull workouts on spin cycles and Stairmaster machines to get full calorie-burning benefits of an intense aerobic workout. - 17268

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