Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flatter Abs - Nutrition Counts

By Dan Solaris

In North America and western European countries right now, over half of the general populace is overweight. This can be attributed to two things: the proliferation of high-calorie food readily available around the clock and the sedentary lifestyles most people have.

People who decide to do something about their weight try to get flatter abs by skipping meals. They also try to lose weight by altering their eating habits drastically- doing such things as eliminating carbohydrates from their diet and other nutritionally unbalanced things like that. Though weight-loss can come about because of this, the results are actually deceiving and not very permanent.

Our bodies react to hunger by trying to conserve energy stores. It does this by slowing down the rate of metabolism and this means lesser calories in the form of fat burned. Our body turns to glycogen stored in our muscle tissue and liver for energy instead. This eventually leads to loss of muscle tissue and that's not a good thing.

Our body's metabolic rate drops further when we lose muscle because calories are used up by the latter. Unlike fat, muscle tissue expend calories even while it's inactive- enabling us to burn calories even while we're curled-up in bed dreaming about a nice thick filet mignon.

Another thing about muscle tissue is it's much heavier per volume than fat. This fact makes it easy to be misled into thinking we've lost a significant amount of body fat when it's actually muscle we've lost by cutting back on calories and skipping meals.

Choosing the foods where your calorie intake comes from will yield better results than trying to lose weight by letting going hungry. A diet rich in fiber and folic acid from fruits and vegetables as well as the right amounts of protein and even fat is effective in maintaining a proper metabolism and flatter abs.

Small adjustments in one's diet like using olive oil instead of butter or orange juice instead of soda will still let you lose weight without sacrificing flavor in the food you eat. A proper workout program with cardio exercises known for isolating body fat can also shorten the process of getting flatter abs.

Doing resistance training along with cardiovascular sessions will also make it easier for a person to get flatter abs by building muscle. As stated previously, muscle tissue burns calories even while at rest, so the more of it we build, the more calories we can burn each day. - 17268

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