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Monday, April 6, 2009

Sulfur Stinks! What Can It Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you want to prevent bruising yourself so spectacularly and so easily, you'll find that one possible cure that we should look at is sulfur. For the most part, we do not come across sulfur unless we are reading about it in the context of sulfur, fire, and brimstone or other things that smell vile, so what does sulfur have to do with serving as a means for bruise treatment? The simple truth is that sulfur can play a large part in helping to heal bruises, and simply by remembering some relevant information in mind, we will be able to see why this is so.

The foremost question that you are going to ask when you want to discover why sulfur makes a good bruise treatment is what sulfur really is. When you are examining sulfur, you are looking at a nonmetallic element that is found in a great many forms and compounds. When you put it into a human context, it is most often used in the form of sulfides and sulfates in industry, but you need to keep in mind that it is an important part of all living things. You may also be surprised to learn that sulfur is actually odorless, despite the bad reputation that it has gotten. When you hear that sulfur smells rotten, you'll find that you are probably smelling hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide, which are very common compounds that have sulfur in them.

When you ingest sulfur from your food and from supplements, it is extremely safe, and sulfur is an essential part of your diet. One variety of sulfur that is very important for you to get when it comes to healing bruises is called Bromelain, which is extracted from the family of plants that includes pineapples. The supplement known as Bromelain has enzymes which contain sulfur and they actually help digest proteins. This is important for people who suffer from a lot of bruising in that it helps your body digest the blood seepage that actually forms a bruise. The quicker the blood goes away, the faster your bruise will heal, and the faster you will stop getting those concerned glances from family and friends.

Another form of sulfur that is important to keep in mind for bruise treatment purposes is called Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM for short. MSM has been shown to help us recover from soft tissue injuries, which is one concern when you are bruising a lot. In addition, it can speed healing because it acts as an anti-inflammatory, bringing the swelling of the bruise down and allowing it to heal more quickly. These two variations of sulfur are very important elements to think about when you are looking into healing bruises.

There are many foods that contain sulfur with pineapple and garlic as just two examples of them. You may also discover that it's a good idea to start taking sulfur supplements, though you should always examine the warnings, take them seriously and consult with a doctor if there is any doubt at all. - 17268

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