Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How To Get A Six Pack The Natural Way

By Jose Loni

You don't need to lift weights to get six pack abs, here's how you can do it. First of all, you need to watch your diet then do multi joint exercises regularly throughout the week to increase your metabolism.

Limiting caloric intake is important. Overeating results in unused energy, which now gets stored as fat. Avoid food high in calories like burgers, fries, fried chicken, chips, pop, cakes and pastries.

Increasing the frequency of meals throughout the day will help keep the body's energy level steady and allow the body to use the calories you eat more efficiently. The meals should be smaller portions balanced with complex carbohydrates and lean proteins.

Exercises that train more body parts and muscle groups help to increase the body's metabolism. The increased exertion of the muscle groups burns more calories. Squats, push-ups, chin-ups, step-ups and split squats are all great exercises that utilize great resistance and can be easily done without machines or accessories.

Push your body to work further by doing 5 of these activities consecutively without resting in between. Then catch your breath and repeat the cycle 5 times. This should greatly enhance your body's fat burning capacity when done regularly.

The multi joint exercises when done 4-5 times throughout the week trains the body to move and exercise the multiple muscles at once. The more often you do these types of exercises throughout the week, the more the body is forced to increase its metabolism to replenish, nourish and repair the muscles. This results in constant replenishment and muscle activity, which forces the body to always burn calories to keep nourishing the muscles.

The body's metabolism will begin searching for energy to fuel the constant metabolic activity of the muscles. After the calories that we eat is all consumed, the body then starts burning the excess body fat on our body. When this occurs, the body becomes a fat burning machine and will start showing more muscular definition and abs.

You don't need to lift any weights; you just need to plan a regular exercise program of high intensity, overall exercises and watching what you eat. Doing that will get you fast results and you'll be on your way to six-pack abs. - 17268

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