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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Super Foods Can Kick Start Healthy Eating

By Pat Johnson

Just when you thought that all fruits and vegetables were the same, it's time to introduce into your diet organic raw super foods. The best super foods function as powerful detoxifiers. They also help the body maintain a healthy strong immune system, remove heavy metals, toxins and residue from the cells. They increase cellular oxygen levels, stimulate the production of new energy cells, improve physical performance, nourish the body, and improve your mental clarity and mood.

One of my favorite super foods is Tibetan goji berries. This is one type of fruit containing the most powerful probiotics in the world. It can strengthen the immune system, help to reduce appetite and overeating, create a sense of well-being and optimism, increase energy and reduce fatigue. It may also reduce the effects of free radicals in the body. They are one of the largest raw organic Super foods there, bar none.

Another popular choice are Tibetan goji berries, which are also a raw organic super food packed with many advantages. They can strengthen the immune system, increase energy, reduce fatigue, reduce the effects of free radicals, generate a sense of well-being and optimism and help curb appetite and overeating.

Another popular choice is to increase your amount of citrus. These foods include limes, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines and oranges. To get the most benefit from them, you need to eat them all by themselves. Do not try to cut them and use them for a marinade because you will lose the benefits of burning calories. In addition, do not take mistake that their juice form will work as well. Most juices bought at the store are filled with preservatives that negate the calorie burning benefits.

The acai berry gives you energy and stamina that allows you to be better equipped to fight heart disease and improve cholesterol. Blood sugar stabilizes and it supplies your body with large quantities of nutrients and vitamins. It induces better sleep and all around provides better health for you!

The fact that super foods are so full of nutrients is one reason that they have taken the spotlight lately. With health benefits including increased stamina, energy and vitality, improve digestion and circulation, better sleep, healthy skin, improved sense of well-being and others it is no surprise that many Americans are adding them to their diets in droves. - 17268

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