Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fat Loss - Balancing Flexibility And Strength

By Dan Solaris

The fast-food culture has conquered most of the globe and the world's inhabitants are succumbing to the tasty, mouth-watering drive-thru fare that just so happens to be dripping with LDL cholesterol (yes, the bad kind). Fortunately, there are a gauntlet of exercises proven to combat the surplus of caloric energy stored in love-handles and bouncing bellies.

Most fitness experts prescribe the usual combination of cardio exercises and muscle-building routines for clients struggling with weight. With the wide variety of variations to choose from it's a wonder why a lot of folks still find it a challenge to keep working out consistently.

Folks that are looking for an effective fat-loss exercise program that won't leave them gasping for breath for an hour will find Pilates the ideal choice. Most people that find workouts too difficult and tiring stop exercising after a month or so without getting closer to their goals. Remember that having fun is a big factor in working-our consistently.

Pilates can even be the ideal fat-loss method of choice for the aged and those with physical ailments since the exercises aren't really high impact like conventional exercise programs are. Besides muscle strength and suppleness, flexibility and balance are also developed because most of the moves are executed while trying to keep one's body stabilized.

Total body aerobic exercise with resistance training is the most popular fat-loss workout combo nowadays. Interspersing Pilates sessions with the more conventional exercises will tone-up the muscles faster and facilitate speedier loss of body fat.

Weight training is essential in a fat-loss program because building muscle improves our metabolism. Resistance training causes stiffness to connective tissue and the joints however. This is where Pilates can come in- the smooth and continuous movements stretch the muscles of the whole body and this regains the lost suppleness lost from lifting weights.

Core-based exercises are the essentially what Pilates is about. Simultaneous effort of the muscles of the abdomen, the waist, lumbar region and buttocks allow faster calorie burn- leading to faster loss of weight due to a reduced body fat index.

A high metabolism is one the best weapons against body fat because it allows for more calories burned throughout the day. Regular stretching of muscle tissue lengthens and tones them up resulting in a longer, leaner physique, higher metabolic rate, and better results from fat loss efforts. - 17268

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