Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is straining to failure the wisest move?

By Jon Cardozo

One of the best ways to pretend you know something about a particular subject is to throw around some big sounding terms so everyone else is impressed. The muscle building world is no different, and many people use bodybuilding terms even though they have no idea what they really mean.

Instead of just throwing around such terms to sound impressive in the gym, shouldn't you take a moment to truly understand them? Because it's discussed so often, let's take a moment to understand the concept of training to failure.

What exactly is training to failure? If you've heard this term but weren't sure exactly what it meant, don't be embarrassed. There are probably a lot of other new trainees who are confused by this, especially since many tend to use these bodybuilding terms in different ways with different meanings.

In its most basic sense, training to failure means lifting weights until you cannot physically lift anymore. Many muscle building gurus will tell you that this is an essential component of bodybuilding, and they may even go as far as to tell you that you cannot consistently build muscle without training to failure.

Many people claim that training to failure is absolutely essential, but some proven experts like Vince Delmonte tell us to be careful when using the strategy.

The one thing you don't want to do is to completely exhaust your body. You don't want to train and train until your body is wiped out from fatigue. It may sound obvious to some, but from observing some people in the gym it's more common than you might think. They seem to have a completely different interpretation of training to failure.

This kind of training is usually considered over training and can put a heavy strain on your nervous system and immune system, not to mention your muscles themselves. Because your nervous and immune systems take longer than your muscles to recover, you need to be very careful to avoid over training in the gym.

You'll probably find yourself overdoing it from time to time, but be careful not to make this a habit. - 17268

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