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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The No.1 Nutritional Supplements - Usana Essentials

By Angela Giles

The role of diet in maintaining our health cannot be underestimated. On a daily basis, our body requires different types of nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Since we eat different food each day, we cannot expect to supply the body with the exact amount of nutrients regularly. Therefore, taking additional nutritional supplements is recommended by many physicians. Usana Essentials, manufactured by Usana Health Sciences, are the most popular products in this category.

Usana Essentials provide the right ingredients, including 13 organic and 19 inorganic compounds, required for the proper functioning of the body's cells. These elements are recommended by nutrition authorities and also by the US government. They also include other essential nutrients recommended by scientific studies. For instance, anti-oxidants are present to prevent the free-radical damage to cells.

To prevent diseases caused by nutrition deficiencies, the body needs certain nutrients in minimum quantity. Usana Essentials contain far higher quantity of these nutrients than is recommended. This helps to promote better health and not just prevent diseases.

Vitamins and Minerals do not work in isolation. Different functions of the body needs these nutrients to work together. Presence of these nutrients in the wrong proportion can lead to adverse health effects. Keeping this in mind, Usana Essentials combine these nutrients in the right proportion so that they can work safely and effectively.

The body can only absorb nutrients in a specific form. Nature produces nutrients which can be easily accepted by the body. However, artificially produced nutrients must be supplied in a bioavailable form. Usana Essentials are produced with the utmost care and highest quality to ensure that the body receives the supplements in the form it requires.

Adults and children have different nutritional needs. Adults do not require supplements for growth, while a child does. Adults require supplements for maintaining their health and preventing cell oxidation from free radicals. Even the needs of young children and teens have considerable differences. Nutritional supplements must be able to offer different programs for different ages.

Usana Essentials offer Usanimals and BodyRox for children and teenagers. Usanimals is a tasty chewable tablet for the below 12-year olds, while BodyRox is for the 13-18 year old teenagers. For adults, a combination of anti-oxidants and essential minerals is available under the names of Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral. Usana products have been rated No.1 in a comparative study of 1500 nutritional supplements. - 17268

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