Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do you have what it takes to build muscle?

By Jon Cardozo

The goal setting is one thing that I've often been excited about, but I haven't always kept up with it the way I should have. I've recently decided that I need to become more consistent, and I've been reviewing my goals carefully. I started to think about what it would take to achieve these goals, and they got me thinking about what it really takes to reach your fitness destination.

I asked myself a critical question: Are you prepared to work diligently towards these goals? If so, what are you willing to give up in exchange for these objectives?

Asking yourself if you're willing to do what is necessary is crucial to success. Obviously, when I say are you willing to do whatever it takes, I'm not talking about some outrageous action or something illegal. It means that you're going to have to learn to make the choices that are necessary, and you're going to need discipline in your own life to reach your goals.

You may think that you've heard all this before, and maybe that's true. But hearing something a number of times and actually putting it into practice are two completely different things. Without action, that knowledge is worthless.

Whether we're talking about a strength training program or anything else in your life, achieving a big goal is going to require a long commitment. It isn't going to happen overnight, and you're probably going to have to give up some other activities in order to achieve that.

Would you give up an hour of TV every day to begin strength training? Would you give up on fast food to prevent gaining fat? Would you be willing to get up a half hour earlier to force yourself to eat breakfast every day? And last but not least, are you willing to make the commitment to achieve your goals no matter what?

Remember that most great things in life are not achieved with one amazing act. Rather, it is a series of small choices carried out on a daily basis that will determine our ultimate success or failure in life.

Remember that a little bit at a time is far better than a big work out all at once. Stick with your plan step by step and you'll soon reach your muscle building goals. - 17268

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