Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The pros and cons of liquid meals and protein shakes

By Jon Cardozo

One question I often hear asked about a weight gain diet is whether or not you should depend on protein supplements. I'm talking about protein powders, which are sometimes called liquid meals by bodybuilders.

If you think you can simply get away with using protein shakes in place of a solid diet program, there are a few things you should consider.

You must remember that protein powders and similar products were developed because of their convenience and should be used as supplements and not as the core of a diet. You need to consume sufficient vitamins, minerals, fiber etc. if you wish to build muscle as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you're serious about your workout program and want to achieve the best results possible, you'll want to give your body the best fuel available. Unfortunately, protein shakes do not represent the best of the best when it comes to choosing proper nutrition.

Aside from the overall health aspects, you're probably going to get tired of taking the same old shakes all the time! If you don't treat these protein powders as supplements that take them all to time, you're going to get sick of them and may even want to do away with your entire muscle building project.

Do yourself a favor and get most of your calories (at least 60%) from whole foods.

The truth is that most people expect these weightlifting products to make up for an inadequate diet or a lousy training regimen. It may not be as exciting as glamorous, but focusing on the basics is more important than looking for a quick fix such as muscle building supplements.

Protein powders can be very helpful when trying to reach your daily calorie goals. You need a certain amount of grams of protein, and the supplements can help you achieve these targets when it is difficult to prepare additional meals. However, don't let these tin cans, with their often artificial ingredients and nutrient deficient powders, replace a good old fashioned meal plan. - 17268

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