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Friday, April 3, 2009

Supplements are no shortcuts when it comes to muscle building

By Jon Cardozo

I've become a big fan of setting goals, and there are a few important concepts I think we all should keep in mind. One of the things I learned is that you should break a goal into smaller goals which are easier to achieve. You should also identify your obstacles in advance and make a plan to overcome them. Perhaps the most important concept when it comes to setting goals, however, is the ability to think in terms of future consequences and long-term results.

When I look back on my successes and failures in life, I noticed a trend which is a little bit disturbing. Too many times I've focused on short term results. If a new project wasn't yielding significant progress immediately, I would pretty much eliminate it right away. I gave up on many worthwhile projects easily, because I got bored or distracted. I suppose that many people are like me and tend to abandon a goal very quickly. You may be wondering what the connection is with strength training or muscle building.

When it comes to trying to build muscle, too many people are spending their precious time trying to find that perfect supplement that will take care of all their needs. Instead of focusing on the most important concepts, they try to find a shortcut so they don't have to do the work.

In order to better understand this, it's helpful to look into the psychology behind muscle building supplements. That is, it's helpful to understand why people purchase them.

If supplements are not necessary for muscle building, why are they so popular? I think the main reason is that many beginners (and perhaps a few veterans who should know better) are looking for an easy solution. If you look around in our society today, most people seem to be focused on short term gratification and not on long-term happiness. They look for the easy way out and are easily distracted by a new trend or fad. It is crucial for any beginning bodybuilder to understand that the fundamentals are all about proper workout techniques and a solid nutrition plan.

Many experts trainers who have the muscles to back up their theories are warning us about trying to rely on supplements. Supplements will have only a slight benefit for the advanced bodybuilder, and they might have zero benefit for a beginner.

Even if you're an advanced trainer, supplements are only going to help slightly. The fundamental components have not changed and never will. Resistance training and nutrition may not be that glamorous, but they are the fundamentals that will help you achieve success.

It may be more exciting to look for that special supplement that will magically deliver the results you are looking for, but in the long run a trainee looking for shortcuts will surely be disappointed. This lesson applies not only to bodybuilding and strength training; rather, it is a valuable lesson that can help you reach any goal you set. If you've done the research and gained the necessary knowledge, and if you set your goal properly (more on this later), then you can be certain that you're on your way to accomplishing your objective. Do not be discouraged if your initial results are disappointing -focus on the cumulative effects of your daily actions and what this will bring you in the months to come. - 17268

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