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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Using Diet as a Natural Diabetes Remedy

By Lara Richards

A simple blood test will confirm a diagnosis of diabetes. Normally a high blood glucose will indicate that a person has diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and poor food choices will contribute to the rise in blood sugar levels in the body. The hormone insulin controls the blood sugar level. A person getting diabetes might not be producing enough insulin or the insulin that person produces is not utilized properly by the body.

There is more truth to the adage that we are what we eat. The food that is consumed is broken down into its smaller, more basic forms as glucose, which comes from starch and sugars, amino acids, which come from protein sources among many other substances. The glucose level in the body is directly related to the amount of carbohydrates that is taken when eating.

Diabetic meal planning can be a mis-leading subject, with much false information bandied about. For instance - just because a diabetic has become dependent on insulin, it does not mean that they don't have to worry about high blood sugar levels any more. Diabetics should also be wary of myths such as being able to eat anything as long as a meal is finished off with the use of bitter tasting foods - this won't offset the rise in blood sugar! And please don't place your faith in the idea that, as a diabetic, you can eat anything that is not sweet.

A lifestyle change is needed once you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is ever more important to remain active and become choosy with the food that you eat. It is imperative that changes be undertaken to address the particular dietary concerns of a person with diabetes.

There are many people with diabetes that live considerably normal lives. Together with your physician, you will monitor your blood sugar levels with a glucometer and administer an insulin shot when required. However, having these shots will not bring back your sugar levels back to normal. It is also possible that your blood sugar will drop to dangerously low levels in the tenure of the disease. Thats why it is important to monitor your blood sugar to prevent extreme high and extreme low levels of glucose levels.

The diabetics diet should be guarded against consumption of carbohydrate-rich food. Why so much concern on carbohydrates? Carbohydrates directly relates to the blood sugar levels. There are certain food that contain large amounts of sugar. These high glycemic index foods are normally ones that people crave for, sweets, cakes, candies, ice cream. These are packed with sugar and carbohydrates that can be detrimental to the health of the diabetic.

Staying healthy has a lot to do with good eating habits and a little discipline. They are essential not only for the diabetic but for anyone wanting to stay healthy and avoid not only diabetes but other diseases as well. The idea of eating in moderation and exercise will go along way into maintaining a healthy body. It is okay to eat sweet foods so long as you dont overeat, reducing portions or replacing some foods with healthier alternatives will help you feel not being deprived of the tempting foods that you like. - 17268

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