Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Exercise - Finding Time

By Kareem F. Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Finding time to exercise is about as difficult as cutting a penny with plastic scissors for most people. The truth is: it's easy after you get started. Exercise time management requires blocking off exercise as part of your daily routine. People that try to exercise when they can "fit it in" normally end up with the least results. Exercise time management involves scheduling, workout development, and program variety.

In order to be effective with your exercise program, you'll need to schedule appropriately. This means that you'll be more likely to succeed with your health and fitness goals if you schedule a specific time of the day to exercise for an entire month. The time of day does not have to be the same each day (although this is recommended), but it does have to be pre-scheduled, just as you would a doctor's appointment.

Establishing an exercise routine also involves developing workouts ahead of time. My most successful clients all plan their workout routines for a week at a time, instead of day by day. The advantage of this, of course, is that you will choose a larger variety of exercise, stimulate new areas for strengthening each week, and have a targeted plan to reach all areas of your body. When you consider it, exercise selection today should affect tomorrow's workout anyway, right?

Choosing which body parts to exercise on a given day can be a perplexing decision, although this is beyond the scope of this article. As a general recommendation, be sure to leave at least 48 hours between exercise sessions that involve a pure strengthening protocol. On the other hand, endurance workouts can have more frequent repetition, as well as decreased isolation of muscle groups.

Last, in an effort to establish a routine with exercise, it's important that you are not bored, and that you continue to get results. By mixing things up, or constantly choosing different exercises, you are preventing your body from adapting to the same exercise routine over time. With a constantly changing stimulus, you are setting yourself up for success with your goals, thereby increasing fat loss benefits and fitness results. An exercise routine that is constantly repeated becomes easy, as our bodies adapt to repeated stressors over time by increasing efficiency. For this reason, long-distance runners are able to sustain a great speed for prolonged times. This however, will not work to burn as many calories and keep your body guessing. Use caution when designing your exercise routine, as compliance directly relates to your exercise success. - 17268

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