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Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Key To Building Muscle

By Danny Gutierrez

It is absolutely phenomenal how many gym goers bust their behinds every single day in the gym only to fail to make any significant progress with their physique. It's not because they're not working hard obviously it's because they simply don't know what it actually takes to build muscle. Don't make the same mistake and read the rest of this article to discover what it actually takes to build muscle.

The biggest mistake a lot of gym goers make when working out is thinking or believing that the process of building muscle is over when you leave the gym. Folks in the know already know that in order to build muscle you have to feed your body the right nutrients and you have to allow your body to rest if you really want to build some muscle.

If you your goal is to build muscle then you're going to have to consume protein and lot's of it! You need to be taking in about one to two grams of protein for every pound of your ideal muscular body weight. So let's say your target weight is two hundred pounds that would mean you should be consuming between two and four hundred grams of protein. That's what it really takes to build muscle.

The thing about protein is most people don't know where they can get it from so here is a short list of some good protein sources. As far as meat goes all meat has protein but you want to stick to the ones that have the least amount of bad fat like leans cuts of red meat, chicken breasts and of course most types of fish are great for you. If you're on a budget tuna has always been a great muscle builder. There is also milk and cottage cheese as well as nuts such as almonds and peanuts. And of course protein shakes are also a great source of protein.

Two of the most important times during the day to consume protein if you want to build muscle are first thing in the morning and immediately following your bodybuilding workout. If you are taking protein shakes these are both opportune times to drink one of your nutritional supplements.

If there is one time that supplementing with protein could exponentially increase the speed and magnitude of your results it is the thirty to sixty minutes immediately following your gym training sessions. Those thirty to sixty minutes are affectionately known in the bodybuilding world as the post workout window of opportunity. This is the one time during the day that your body is one hundred percent completely receptive to the nutrients you are feeding it.

Something else that is just as critical is rest and recuperation. It is absolutely critical that you give your body and muscles ample time to recover from the workouts you force it through. If you work out too often and you don't take long enough breaks between your workouts your muscles will not grow and if anything they might shrink! Rest is a requirement for muscle growth not an option.

The truth of the matter is that the first year you start working out in the gym will be the year that you should make the most amount of progress. You can ensure that by making sure you give your body plenty of protein to keep it in a state of growth and by resting enough between workouts and outside of the gym as well. As the popular cliche goes... "it ain't rocket science" and as you can see it really doesn't have to be. Work out. Eat the right stuff. Rest. Repeat. - 17268

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