Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Reset your body with Usana RESET Weight Loss Program

By Angela Giles

Having trouble losing weight? Disappointed with fad diets that promise a quick weight loss? Unable to stop hunger pangs? Usana RESET offers a long term viable solution for tackling weight issues. Starting with a 5-day nutrition program, it gets the body to start losing weight by reversing its tendency to put on weight.

Nutrition experts have discovered that if you eat food having a high glycemic index, there is a sudden spurt in the glucose level of the blood. This sudden rise in sugar levels followed by a fall makes you hungry sooner. This forces people to eat at odd times creating a momentum of weight gain.

One of the most commonly tried approaches for weight loss is starving. However, if you consistently eat less than what the body needs, then the body counters by reducing the metabolism rate and you stop losing weight. Starving also leads to other complications.

The Reset program offered by Usana Health Sciences promises to change the body's dependence on high-glycemic foods, in turn, reducing the regular cravings for food. It adopts a very simple approach of replacing regular meals with Usana foods which have a low glycemic index. These nutritional supplements provide adequate nourishment to the body without increasing the calorie intake.

A DVD provides a complete guide to the 5-day Usana RESET program. This consists of regular consumption of nutritional supplements called Usana Macro-optimizers which are nothing but energy drinks and nutrition bars. Along with this, some walking exercises are recommended. You are also advised to eat certain quantity of water, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Most overweight people lose interest in losing weight after trying programs that do not work. However, in just 5 days, Usana's RESET program will make you look lean and feel great. This positive effect will encourage you to continue with a lifetime of healthy habits.

It is advisable to continue the momentum achieved in the 5 days. This is done through the 'Transform' program which again replaces a part of your normal meal with healthy Usana food. This will deter you from slipping back in to your old food habits.

When your weight goals are achieved you can opt for the 'Maintain' program to continue the healthy food habits that you have developed starting with the Usana RESET program and strengthened with the Transform program. Healthy food develops a healthy body and allows you to lead a healthy lifestyle. - 17268

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