Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Women With Abs Look Hot

By Jose Loni

Women with abs look hot. A well-sculpted, toned and fit woman is the ideal vision of most women today. You can make that dream into a reality, with simple adjustments to your lifestyle. Watching your diet, decreasing stress as well as regular exercise consisting of resistance training and interval cardiovascular training, will help you achieve overall good health and ripped abs.

A major factor in making changes to your diet is avoiding fatty fast foods, processed sugary snacks and carbonated beverages. Eating these foods, increases the amount of calories we consume, when we are unable to fully consume all those calories, the excess food is converted into fat and stored in our body.

Consuming foods that are rich in carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and protein will help us burn those calories and utilize excess body fat to provide energy for our physical activity. A regiment of 5-6 small meals throughout the day allows our body to keep a constant blood sugar level and maintain our energy level for our body's physical activities.

Stress management is another factor in preventing fat accumulation. In a stressful situation, Cortisol is released that allows the body to store fat in the belly area.

Multi-joint exercises that incorporate resistance training is effective in increasing the body's metabolism. The increased lean body mass that results in resistance training requires more calories and fuel to function; as a result, it utilizes the consumed calories as well as converts excess body fat to fuel muscle activity.

Interval training has been very effective in burning fat and increasing the body's metabolism. The short bursts of energy with high intensity exercise makes the body adapt to the activity by increasing the metabolic activity of the muscles. The muscles not only become more efficient at burning fat, but continue to burning fat for several hours after the training session.

It has been proven that increased stomach fat has been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Reducing the fat in the midsection will help reduce those risks as well as give you the confidence to feel fit and sexy.

Lifting weights is a factor that will help women get great abs. Changing our diet, managing our stress levels, lifting weights and cardiovascular interval training will help you achieve a healthy life with a flatter stomach. - 17268

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