Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jared Fogle And The Subway Diet Fad

By Ron C George

Everyone is familiar with the Subway Diet featuring Jared, the guy who lost 245 pounds in in just one year by walking and replacing two meals a day with Subway sandwiches. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, it's time for the rest of the story. Read further for a brief history of the subway diet.

Like man college students Jared Fogle worked a part time job, his at an adult book store, to pay for college. He sat long hours in a class room, sat long hours behind the counter at the video store while eating snacks, and as a result ended up weighing 425 pounds. Jared realized his weight was critical and so started looking for a way to drop some pounds.

He tried various diets, but they didn't work because he still had all those hours behind a counter during which to cheat. But then he found a Subway shop near his dorm. The seed of the Subway diet was planted. Jared decided to skip breakfast every day, walk the mile and a half there and back to Subway for both lunch and dinner during which he consumed only a sandwich, a bag of baked chips and a diet soft drink. Now instead of a 10,000 calorie per day with no exercise lifestyle, he was eating only about 900 calories while walking 6 miles every day. For Jared the yet named Subway diet made 245 pounds disappear in the span of a single year.

How did Jared become a nationally recognized figure? A friend of Jared's, who worked for the University newspaper, ran into him. This buddy barely recognized Jared, so he decided to write an article about his amazing weight loss. Men's Health magazine picked up the story as part of an article about weird diets that work.

A subway franchisee in Chicago brought the story to the attention of his advertising people who talked to Jared to make certain it was legit. When the Chicago guys tried to get funding from the national advertising agency for a campaign, they were told it would bomb, so they funded it themselves for a local run in Chicago.

Needless to say the Subway diet became a huge hit. Soon Jared and the Subway diet were in all the national media, including a guest stint on Oprah. The national ad agency came back, egg firmly on their face, to ask if the ads could be run nationally.

The Subway diet has worked for a lot of people. But keep in mind that Jared's extreme program of calorie cutting and extreme weight loss are, in general, potentially dangerous. His plan of cutting calories and adding exercise are well known facts that lead to weight loss and a healthy life style. - 17268

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