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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oprah And The 10 Super Foods

By John Bardt

Oprah Winfrey?s show on How to look 10 years younger in 10 days created a huge buzz. Her show simply focused on eating commonly known foods. The benefits from eating healthy foods are remarkable and often overlooked. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look better and age gracefully! According to Dr. Perricone eating what he deems to be "super foods" isn't too hard. Oprah Winfrey wanted to look 10 years younger in 10 days and took the challenge.

What are the 10 Super foods? And are they easy to find? If the foods needed to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days are hard to find the it will be hard to keep at it. As luck would have it the foods are moderately common and some can even be found in pill or powder form which makes things even easier. The following is a list of the super foods that are supposed to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days as seen on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

1) Anything in the "Allium Family" - Scallions, chives, garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots are all health boosters. They all can assist your body to eliminate toxins and carcinogens. Each of these foods can be used in a myriad of ways. A few chopped up can be added to any sauce or dip. As a food group these are inexpensive and very easy to find.

2) Barley - Barley is an old-fashioned staple food. This grain can be used in many ways including as a breakfast cereal, as a rice or other starch substitute and in stews and soups. Barley is also high in fiber which helps manage and metabolize cholesterol, fats, and carbohydrates. . Barley is quite inexpensive and easy to locate.

3. Acai fruit - This little berry is one of the most nutritious, powerful and hyped foods in the world. It can often be found in juice form in natural food stores. Prior to the Oprah Show I had never heard of the acai berry. I will check at my local natural food store to find out about availability and pricing.

4) Green Foods - Green Foods help immune response, and also help to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Wheat and barley grasses may not be at your local grocery store but spinach and other greens like swiss chard are easy to find. Green foods like wheat and barley grasses can be bought in powder, pill or juice form, and offer greater levels of nutrients than green leafy vegetables.

5) Buckwheat: Seed & Grain - Buckwheat is loaded with protein. It also stabilizes blood sugars and is high in amino acids. Buckwheat is inexpensive and very easy to find. It does have an acquired taste though and is my least favorite of the super foods intended to make you look 10 years younger in 10 days..

6) Yogurt and Kefir - Yogurt and Kefir are cultured foods that contain healthful bacteria that aid immune function. Slightly more therapeutic and healthy than yogurt, Kefir supplies a complete protein, essential minerals, and some B vitamins. Yogurt is easy to find and inexpensive but make sure you buy yogurt with no added sugar. Kefir is slightly harder to find and slightly more expensive.

7. Nuts & Seeds - Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, macadamia and pistachio nuts contain Omega 3 fats, which are great for your heart. Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds are healthiest. Nuts are easy to find and are moderately inexpensive. I use 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds in a number of different dishes I make for my family. Sesame seeds are the best when they are slightly toasted. Toast sesame seeds over low heat in a dry frying pan for about 2 minutes.

8) Beans & Lentils - Beans and lentils are an easy way to get folic acid, antioxidants, and potassium. Try kidney, pinto, chickpeas, black, navy, soybeans, peas and/or lentils.. Lentils and beans might be the easiest way to enjoy a super food as was discussed on Oprah Winfreys show on how to look 10 years younger in 10 days. Hummous, bean salads, falafel, etc are some of the many interesting ways to enjoy beans..

9. Hot Peppers - Both bell peppers and chili peppers contain antioxidants and have twice the Vitamin C as citrus fruit. Best yet, they work as great fat burners. In moderation hot peppers had a delightful zing to most dishes. Bell peppers are a great addition to most dishes or salads.

10) Sprouts - There are numerous varieties of sprouts. They are both a great source of both Vitamin C and protein. Sprouts add a tasty crunch to any meal. These are both inexpensive and easy to find. The least expensive way to get spouts is to sprout your own from any type of bean. - 17268

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