Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Things To Consider When Choosing A Food Supplement Or Any Supplement

By Dean Cantwell

Many supplements available today do little for your health. My recommendation is food supplements and they must be chosen carefully. By doing proper research you will save yourself time and money and most of all your health.

With thousands of supplements in the market today it's important to understand what supplements work and what supplements do not work. Manufacturers use all types of advertising to promote their products. Have you ever seen the advertisement "lose 30 pounds in 30 days"? Do you really believe this advertising?

My goal is to help you choose a whole food supplement that will have an impact on your health. Now you could go through the expensive and time-consuming process of trial and error, however if you follow my advice I'll help you avoid that pitfall.

Remember when choosing a supplement that high-quality does not always mean the most expensive product. High quality products are those supplements that work. With proper research you will be a will to choose a high quality supplement.

There is a simple process that I use when choosing a supplement. Determine what type of supplement you are looking for such as a whole food supplement or another type. Then use the Internet and research the product. The final step is to ask people you know if they use the product and if they've had any benefits by using it.

The elite class of nutritional supplements are whole food supplements. The term synergistic, is the term that describes the elements of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that require the presence of each other in a way that nature intended to give you the best benefits. So taking a stand-alone supplement such as vitamin C, is not as effective as getting your vitamin C from an orange. Thus whole food supplements contain the whole food and not just an isolated vitamin or mineral.

To eliminate 99% of everything on the market ask yourself this question about the supplement you are interested in. Where is the research to support the claims being made? And, are these studies randomized, peer reviewed, double-blind, and third-party studies. With the Internet it's easy to do research and determine whether the studies are viable or not. Look for prominent published studies such as in the American College of Cardiology or in the professional journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

I also like to ask my friends and coworkers to determine if they are already using the product that I am researching. You can read the testimonials from the manufacturer but to get honest opinions will typically come from people you know and trust. - 17268

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