Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tips for Maneuvering the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The HCG Diet is not being called the Weight Loss Cure for nothing! It offers amazing and unique weight loss results in an industry that has been crawling with supposedly effective diets for years. But there are a few points that can make or break your success on the program.

1. Do not stray from the diet. The HCG interacts with the body to alter the physiological function and allow you to decrease the amount of fat and fat cells you're holding onto. But it depends upon a lack of fat and sugar in the body. So introducing even a small amount will cause a problem.

2. Prepare your meals. Choose appropriate recipes and cook in bulk. Then package them individually so they are available as necessary. 500 calories is very limited. DO NOT let yourself get hungry. It will eventually break you.

3. Test various herbal teas and flavors of Stevia until you come up with a combination that you like. This is the only "limitless" item on the HCG diet in addition to water so if you like it you'll have a much easier time of it for the duration.

4. Take advantage of the "seasonings" you are allowed on the diet. Lemon juice in your water can make a huge difference. Have a variety of spices so that you feel like you're having something new and exciting when you serve up another meal of grilled chicken. HCG dieters have even suggested that cutting up an apple and drizzling lemon juice on it serves as a very yummy dessert.

The majority of HCG dieters successfully complete the program. The low cal diet, the HCG's effect on the hypothalamus work together to provide the most effective weight loss available. - 17268

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