Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Arm Toning At Its Best - How To Beat A Sugar Addiction

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Unlike the tooth fairy, sugar addiction is real. Very real. And if you want the fastest arm toning possible, you need to overcome it. Now I'll be honest, overcoming any addiction is not easy, but there is hope.

How do we know that sugar addiction exists? First, sugar acts as a powerful painkiller in newborns. Second, rodents demonstrate alterations in dopamine receptors when given high intakes of sugar. The same type of alterations you see with drugs. Third, naxolone-a drug used to combat drug addictions-temporarily mitigates sugar addictions.

Now you need to be brutally honest, are you suffering from a sugar addiction? Ask yourself the following questions: Do my moods fluctuate with sugar intake? Am I coming up with very detailed reasons as to why I am not addicted as I read this? If so, you are probably addicted.

And it's critical that you beat this thing if you want to maximize your arm toning. Why? Because sugar blocks the release of arm fat burning hormones into your body. Sad, but true. So today I am going to discuss 4 tools that can help you overcome sugar addiction:

1. Fake sugar: Also known as sugar substitutes, this stuff is a gift from heaven. And gone are the days of those strange aftertastes-fake sugar has come a long ways. Just make sure to stay away from sugar alcohols, as they do contain significant calories despite what you've been led to believe. I recommend sticking to the organic sugar substitute, stevia.

2. Loose leaf yerba mate taragui. More popular than coffee in south America, yerba mate is the most powerful craving killer I have ever found. Just make sure you keep on eating even though you aren't hungry. This will prevent you from bingeing once the effect wears off. And be patient because it takes about an hour for the tea to take full effect.

3. Lifting weights. How is lifting weights related to sugar cravings? Because it increases your hunger a lot. How does increased hunger help fight a sugar addiction? The type of increased hunger you get from intense weight lifting readjusts your palate and makes average-tasting foods much more palatable.

4. Psychological treatment. This is the most important one of them all because once you reach the addicted level, your emotional state is intimately tied to your sugar intake. The best form of treatment I have found is cognitive therapy. The most economical source of cognitive therapy I have found is a book called Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns M.D. Read this book before making any appointments. Millions of copies have been sold, it's the number one recommended book by therapists and it's brutally effective.

Sugar is everywhere and unfortunately, we are biologically programmed to seek it out from the day we are born. However, if you want to accelerate your arm toning, you need to reduce your intake as much as possible. And if you are addicted, this won't be easy. But it's possible, and easier than ever before with all the new tools at your disposal. So get to it and good luck! - 17268

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