Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here's Why Weight Loss is Killing You

By Owen Scott

Have you tried to lose weight in the past? Why? I bet you wanted to look better and/or feel better. Right?

Weight Loss. Why is everyone so fascinated with weight loss? When are people going to realize that weight loss is NOT important. What??? Let me say it again -- Weight Loss is not important.

When people attempt to lose weight, they don't even care what type of weight they are losing as long as the number on the scale decreases... and that is SAD. Weight loss comes in the form of water weight, muscle mass, body fat, or any combination. The majority of the time -- People end up losing more muscle mass than anything else. And that is not good -- Yet, people believe they are successful because they lost weight.

Weight loss is not important. The number on the scale is NOT IMPORTANT...

The numbers that show up on your scale are not important. You should not be focusing on decreasing that number as quickly as possible. Why? Because you do not want to lose your precious muscle mass. You should focus on losing body fat and not muscle mass.

Muscle loss is bad. When you lose muscle, your metabolism slows and you must eat less food to simply maintain your current body weight. When you start to eat more food, you'll gain weight fast and that weight will come in the form of body fat. Lose muscle mass and in order to lose more weight, you'll have to eat less food.

And that's what people end up doing -- they eat fewer calories each day until they trigger the starvation response from their bodies. When this happens, the body will react by holding onto all of its fat stores.

Don't threaten your body -- your body will win.

The human body is amazing. It's job is to help you survive, and that's exactly what it does. When you start eating less, your body will hold onto fat stores because it has been threatened. More body fat will allow you to survive for longer periods of time. So when you attempt to lose weight on a low calorie diet, you are only losing muscle and keeping all that unwanted body fat.

When you decide to lose weight with some low calorie diet program, you've told your body that it's okay to burn your precious muscle mass and eventually replace it with more body fat. You end up in worse shape than ever before. You feel bad and look bad all due to some weight loss program that was supposed to help you -- instead it did the exact opposite.

When you see some weight loss diet advertised you now are equipped with the knowledge you need to say no. Jenny Craig doesn't work. Slim Fast doesn't work. Weight Watchers doesn't work. Yeah, you might lose weight, but you look and feel worse in the end. Don't do that to yourself. Nutrisystem doesn't work. Low carb diets don't work and so on. They will only hurt you.

So what's the solution to all of this?

Instead of focusing on weight loss, you should be focusing on building muscle and burning body fat. Then, you'll get the body you want. Your body will look better and you'll feel better. No one cares about that stupid number on the scale. You don't carry a scale around and say, "Look what I weigh!" People look at your body -- not the number on the scale. So start building muscle and burning fat and STOP worrying about weight loss.

The solution to your weight loss problems is a combination of weight lifting or strength training, a healthy diet, and aerobic exercise. If you learn how to combine those 3 components correctly, you'll be on the right track to a great looking and feeling body. - 17268

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