Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover - Body Type C Meal Plan

By Rico Kidd

This article will review the different types of food that a body type c can eat on the 6 Week Body Makeover. To review, a body type C can maintain and build muscles easily, which is a good thing as lean muscle helps burn fat. Also, C people have a higher metabolism and isn't as sluggish as the other body types.

C people are allowed to eat more carbohydrates like white rice and pastas because their bodies have an easier time burning calories than other body types due to their lean muscle mass. However, people with body type c should moderate their red meat consumption as they will gain weight and bulk up.

All of the meals listed here can be found in the Infinite Menu Plan of the body makeover kit. Remember, these meals are only a sample of meals you can eat as a body type c on the Michael Thurmond diet. Here is a sample meal for one day worth of food for an endo-meso.

Breakfast - 1 cup of egg beaters with a half of slice of wheat bagel and cup of mixed berries. Mid-morning snack is 4 oz. of orange and garlic turkey breast and cup of grapefruit. Lunch will consist of grilled shrimp with Cajun spices, a a baked potato and 1 cup of raw broccoli.

Mid afternoon snack will consist of 3 oz. of ground turkey breast patties and cup of mashed rutabagas. Dinner will be 3 oz. of ground beef patties and 1 cup of stir fried rice noodle. The PM snack is strictly option and you don't have to eat it if you don't want to. You can have cup of papaya for your night snack. - 17268

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