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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Acai Berry- Miracle Weight Loss Medicine Or Just Miracle Foodstuff?

By Donna I Thompson

If you have perused any of the investigation on the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) from the rainforests of Brazil, you have no doubt seen the various health-related claims ranging from fat loss to male impotence to anti-aging and an insomnia cure. Yet, the truth is that there is no detailed scientific substantiation that has verified the legitimacy of these claims.

Still the reality remains that the tiny little acai berry is really one of the healthiest foodstuff ever located on earth. It has one of the uppermost ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacities of any solitary fare ever found on Earth. It is also full with other exceptionally momentous nutritional components such as good for your health Omega fats, fiber and a host of vitamins and minerals.

By providing your body with the exceptional nourishment that it craves, you permit it to function at its optimal capacities. Unfortunately, the typical diet of the masses is the Standard American Diet that provides very little in the way of nourishment.

Our bodies are intended to survive on the exceptional nutrition that nature has gave us. This is the whole fare that are located in nature. Fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, poultry and eggs, and whole grains are the foodstuff that our bodies must have to function at optimum levels.

The acai berry is an unusual berry that can provide our bodies with advanced nourishment. It has a large quantity of imperative antioxidants, vitamins and minerals along with essential fatty acids, in the form of Omega's and oleic acid, and it even maintains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks that our bodies use to produce proteins. This diminutive little fruit contains the superior nutrients that our bodies desire.

This little berry is thought to be unusual around the world because it can only be found in the rainforests of Brazil. It is furthermore very perishable and it needs to be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree. It has been found that the top way to process these healthful diminutive berries is with a freeze-drying method. This is the lone way that assures that the very important and important nutrients are maintained.

Outside of Brazil, you can find a excess of many acai berry products ranging from juice to smoothie mixes, to powders, extracts and capsules. Check to prove that the product you are buying comprises mostly acai berry and that it was freeze-dried when it was processed. That way you can be generally certain that you are receiving the complex nourishment that you are paying for.

You can be definite that your body will react in a very helpful way when you impart it with advanced nutrition. Outstanding nourishment will make it easier to drop weight, to conquer tribulations like male impotence and you will be able to sleep better and inhibit the conventional declines related with aging all while doing your part to avert many of the severe diseases. Outstanding nutrition is common sense and scientific facts is not automatically necessary to know that our bodies will respond in kind to advanced nourishment. - 17268

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