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Friday, August 14, 2009

Energizing Acupressure Massage Contain By Massage Chairs

By Eric Manus

Many traditional forms of medicine are only now starting to be empirically validated by Western Science. Now many of the Eastern forms of healing are starting to go more mainstream in the health care industry. Take acupressure which derived from acupuncture. Acupressure uses the application of firm pressure to help manipulate the energy flow in the body. Now massage chair recliners have built technologies that integrated the use of acupressure.

You may have seen some of the acupressure maps made of the human body. They show various points along certain pathways of how the body is interrelated. These points are known as trigger points. The trigger points help to regulate the energy flow in the body. Sometimes these trigger points can become blocked. Acupressure massage applies a given technique to release the flow for given trigger points. These techniques are know to bring the recipient harmony and wellbeing.

Massage therapist are highly trained to locate and manipulate an individual's trigger points. Now these methodologies have been integrated into the best massage chairs. The top massage recliner brands like Omega, Panasonic and Sanyo offer acupressure massage therapy. They have developed advanced technologies that can locate and then focus on these areas. These mechanical masseuses can systematically hit your regions in need of attention.

Everybody is unique and thanks to technology today, so will you acupressure massage. Top massage therapists know to adjust the massage to suit each individual. This same logic has been integrated into the best massage chairs. These recliners chart your body to find your trigger points. This information is compiled into a virtual map. The program in the recliner then provides a massage based on your own virtual map. Imagine your chair honing in on your specific trouble areas providing relief.

Some people love massages to just tune out the world. It is a peaceful and relaxing experience as you close your eyes and listen to the soft music. Let its undulating rhythms and tempos take you to your special place. Just slip on the headphones and use the recliner's MP3 player to make your own spa environment. Close your eyes and let your mechanical masseuse work their iron fingers to your heart's content.

The acupressure massage helps to encourage the flow of blood and lymph. The increased flow of blood and lymph increase energy and help the body to heal. Additionally, some of the benefits of acupressure massage are the following:

Less muscle discomfort; Increases in joint mobility; Improved flexibility; More positive outlook

The tradition of acupressure runs deep in the East. Western science is finally catching up with some of these long held healing processes. This nexus of East meets West is certainly in the best massage chairs. The real benefits from massage therapy come from getting it on a frequent basis. This is where massage chairs bridge this challenge by providing great therapy at a economical cost. Continuous massage therapy at the touch of a button. - 17268

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