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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Food Alkaline, the way to go!

By Anthony Gutierrez

Food can be either acidic or alkaline and it is hard to tell which it is. An example of this is when lemons are digested the are more alkaline. Lemons are acidic before this digestion. To have a balanced raw food diet it is important to eat a significant amount of alkalizing foods.

First Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens and broccoli are great alkalizing agents. Next dandelion and wild edible grasses are also alkalizing.

Parsley, cilantro, basil, garlic and grasses such as wheat, and barley grass, sprouts and sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, spirulina, blue green algae are alkalizing. To make the body more basic you should eat medicinal mushrooms like shitake, maitake and reishi.

Life is about balance. Universal truth is profound when it comes to the body pH levels. There has to be a certain pH level for the human body. A scale from zero to 14, where zero is very acidic, 7 is neutral and 14 is very alkaline is used to measure the pH levels.

A slightly alkaline level of 7.35-7.45 in the human body is where the blood must remain. Some of the body's other fluids are maintained at different pH levels to keep you healthy and maintain the blood pH. The cells and organs are constantly working and filtering what is eaten to sustain pH levels throughout the body.

It has been found that pH balance plays an important role in your total well-being because bacteria, viruses, yeast, and other harmful organisms thrive when the blood system is more acidic. So, maintaining a pH balance on the alkaline end of the scale can create an uninviting environment for the very things that might make you sick. Thats why consuming more alkaline foods than acid foods can be very beneficial to your overall fitness.

Consumers learn about nutrition and realize that a specific ratio of alkaline foods to acid foods determines pH balance and good health. On the pH scale human blood registers about 7.4. This means it is naturally alkaline. The body needs the proper balance of alkaline foods to acid foods is needed to maintain this level. - 17268

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