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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Using Food To Relieve Constipation

By Jean Johnson

Today there seems to be so much advice given with regard to diet. Eat this, don't eat that, don't even think about smelling that! Many foods seem to lead to one result-constipation. If you have experienced this problem know all too well the discomfort and embarrassment this can cause. The number one question may be, which foods would bring relief.

There are numerous foods that can prove beneficial in the relief of constipation symptoms. We can benefit greatly from exploring these options. Two of these foods are dates and figs; they are very high in fiber and thus useful to constipation sufferers. Being high in minerals and fiber, these fruits aid the digestion process and can banish constipation within hours.

Grape lovers will be happy to note that one or two pounds of their favorite fruit daily can provide them with relief. The fact that grapes are full of vitamins, fiber and minerals may account for this effect. The skin of these beauties also contains an antioxidant called resveratol which only adds to the health benefits of this fruit.

The humble papaya is also effective in this regard. It is high in fiber and in its ripened state is easy to digest. Enzymes contained in this fruit (papain and chymopapain) are designed to digest protein and also do a wonderful job at keeping your system free. Vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene produce superior results in inflammation reduction and overall health improvement. This delicious fruit can be used as a snack, can be added to luscious smoothies or can be eaten as a part of a healthy breakfast.

The persimmon is another fruit that is high in Fiber (3.6 g per 100g) and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. It is also high in vitamins A, C and folate. These nutrients in persimmons make them very different from substances which only have a laxative effect. Instead of just relieving constipation, the persimmon gives relief and also replenishes the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally. Adding this fruit will definitely enrich your diet.

Raspberries are added to this list because they are rich in vitamins A and C. It also contains high amounts of minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. These tasty little fruit can relieve constipation quickly and replenish your vitamin reserve.

Last on the list are prunes. If there ever was a fruit superpower, this would be it. These babies are incredible for constipation relief. I think just about everyone has heard of them for that same reason. Each prune is forty percent insoluble fiber which makes life very easy on the lower intestine in waste elimination. Prunes outrank any existing vegetable or fruit in antioxidant content, not to mention the eighteen body fortifying vitamins and minerals. Among them are folic acid, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, thiamine, potassium, sodium, riboflavin, phosphorous, pantothenic acid, niacin, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and calcium. Ounce for ounce no other food can outdo the prune. So introduce yourself to the prune and enjoy a free flowing colon. - 17268

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