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Monday, August 3, 2009

How To Choose A Mineral Supplement

By Neil Butterfield

You know to stay healthy you need to take vitamins and minerals in the proper amount. However, the problem is proper amounts are very difficult to get from normal foods. It can also be harder than you expect to get it from a chelated (pill) supplement. You are about to find out what to look when choosing a vitamin/mineral supplement.

Most people buy a multi-vitamin/mineral by going into a vitamin store and choosing one that has a 100% or more. But if this multi-vitamin is a pill, (even chelated) you're getting less than 25% of what's listed on the bottle. Shocking isn't it? You thought that little multi was giving you all you needed.

Not even all liquid supplements or other supplements are created equal; liquid Ionic mineral supplements are actually the best. That is because they are water-based so your body absorbs them more readily. In fact, these type of supplements almost 100% absorbable.

Few would argue that having the right daily servings of fruits and vegetables is a good way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals and that this option is far better than taking a vitamin or mineral supplement.

However, even in a diet full of fruit and vegetables, these foods no longer contain the nutrients they should.

Micronutrients are what vitamins and minerals are often called. Your body doesn't have any micronutrients of its own and it can't make any, so it relies on you to give it high quality food and supplements. A liquid ionic mineral supplement is the best way to get these critical nutrients

Whole foods are your best source for both vitamins and minerals. The offer a greater nutritional value because they are complex, and they also provide the necessary fiber that is part of a healthy diet. Lets also remember that they provide the nutrients our body needs to build a healthy immune system and protect us from illness and disease.

So who should take a mineral supplement? If you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, have a diet high in whole grains, lots of fish, and lean meats and if you do this every day you may not need a supplement. But if we are being honest, most of us dont eat right every day and so for most of us a mineral supplement is necessary.

You should definitely take liquid Ionic mineral supplement if you:

*Stay on a calorie restricted diet (under 1500 a day) *Are allergic to many foods *Have digestive problems, including ever had surgery in it *Don't eat like you should *Eat vegetarian/vegan *Bleed heavily during 'that time of the month' *Are pregnant, could be pregnant or are breastfeeding *Started menopause *Take medications that interfere with the absorption of nutrients *Often get diarrhea

Always read the label before buying any type of supplement. Especially with liquid supplements, you want to follow the dosing instructions carefully. Don't forget, with a liquid ionic mineral supplement youre getting much more effectiveness than with a pill. That's good for your body, so protect your health today. - 17268

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