Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 6, 2009

DDR: Dancing Game That Helps You Lose Weight

By Mitch Hawkins

There are quite a number of people struggling with their weight loss program. Most of the time, these people get bored and sick with doing the same routines over and over. Not only that, majority of these exercise routines and weight loss routines are very demanding with your food and fluid intake. In addition, most of these programs require the exertion of lot of effort, whether mental, physical or emotional.

Boredom is one of the major reasons why people give up and quit their weight loss routines. The lack of motivation is also one factor. Simply put, people who really enjoy what they are doing are the ones who succeed, even if they are on a diet or losing they weight.

For some people, losing weight and having fun while doing it can be found in a video game. Dance Dance revolution, a phenomenal video game, has become a household name for people who want to shed their pounds off their bodies. People literally dance to the game and burn fat in the process.

But what is Dance Dance Revolution and how does this game work? Is it really effective as most people say? What are the benefits aside from the probable loss of pounds? These are some of the queries that will be answered as you read on.

Dance Dance Revolution, or commonly referred to as DDR, is one of the most-played PlayStation video games all over the world. Unlike traditional video games however, players are to dance on a special mat called the Dance Pad in order to play the game. The Dance Pad is a PS equipment shaped like a square containing nine squares. Each square represents a button of the PS controller / joystick. The dance pad is then connected to the controller slot of the PS console.

Playing the game is relatively easy. All you have to do is just step on the square that matches the button on your screen. Correct timing and square wins you points. As the game progresses, the steps become complicated and the routines are complex. But that what makes it so appealing and addicting.

DDR is not just another video game off the block. People have actually lost pounds because they really enjoy playing this game and do not see it as a weight loss program. As an effective weight loss program, every people yearning to lose their pounds should try DDR. - 17268

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