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Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Asthma Affects Fitness?

By Jesse Regan

For an asthmatic, physical fitness may be something that is next to impossible. Going to a gym for a workout session or even jogging in the park may just be recipe for an asthmatic attack to follow soon. Hence, he may have the notion that, no matter how he wishes that such were not the case, physical fitness is not for him. This leads to the fact that many asthmatics do have another problem besetting them, gaining weight uncontrollably. Unfortunately, being overweight has only given them more risks of asthma attacks instead.

Asthma directly affects a persons breathing passages and, therefore, causes much difficulty in breathing. When suffering an asthma attack, a persons breathing has a wheezing sound both when inhaling and exhaling. He experiences a sensation of tightness in the chest along with coughing and fatigue. This certainly discourages him from doing activities that may demand normal to heavy breathing.

Consciously or not, many people have avoided work or leisurely activities that may cause asthma. Doctors, on the other hand, have pointed out that physical exertion is indeed one of the reasons that could trigger an asthma attack along with environmental factors such as air pollution. With less physical activities, many people with asthma have lost control also of their weight. Asthmatic kids spend more time watching TV or playing with computers instead of outdoor games. The net result is that more and more children with asthma are also suffering obesity.

However, medical studies have also concluded that lack of exercise can also trigger asthma. Being physically inactive, an asthmatic may just quickly suffer shortness of breath with just a few meters of jogging and brisk walking or several minutes of light exercises. With lungs that are not given the exercise it needs, any allergen, polluted air, and second-hand tobacco smoke can indeed be doubly riskier. Therefore, asthmatics also need an amount of physical exercises. Their ailment does not exempt them from physical fitness efforts.

One good preventive measure against asthma is to maintain a fit and healthy body. Until today, asthma remains incurable and the only advance ever made in medicine is the manufacture of certain drugs to alleviate the discomfort. However, the factors that could lead to it have been identified and, therefore, only need to be avoided. A moderate amount of physical workout is good to build up the bodys defenses. It may be lighter compared to other routines but it is just as important.

Of course, some fitness activities may not be good for the asthmatic such as jogging outdoors in cold weather. Doing so can only result in an asthma attack. He should also make sure that he eats food that does not contain allergens and too much fat as well. The fact that he has less physical exertion reduces his ability to burn fat effectively and may cause unwanted weight gain instead.

These are only samples of the best tips about home fitness that you can get online. - 17268

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