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Friday, September 18, 2009

How to Get a Rounder and Sexier Butt

By Ricardo d Argence

Everybody wants a sexier and firmer butt. The key to a perfectly toned rear end is to follow a specific exercise routine along with a healthy eating plan. Finding extra time in this busy world can be hard, but to get the perfect body you need to break a sweat on a regular basis, even for just a couple minutes.

You may look no further as in this article we provide you with effective solutions if you are looking for the best way to get that perfect toned gluteus and become the envy of all your friends. You can get firmer, rounder, and sexier gluts without even leaving your house! We believe that the exercises that we recommend are the ones that are successful, and will give you the desired results you want in your workout.

If you are trying to slim down your backside, there are some specific exercises that will target the area you want to work on, quadrupled hip extensions is one of those exercises. This particular exercise allows you to contract the gluteus muscles. Ankle weights can be used to increase the intensity.

There are several different types of lunges, pick the one that best meets your individual needs. The most common and most basic of all lunges is the drop knee version but it is also the most difficult one to do. Hand weights can also be used in this exercise to increase the intensity.

Step-ups do work on your gluteus and hamstrings, but most of us are unsure if these exercises work. The platform you are using should be high enough, preferably 15 inches, for this exercise to work effectively to activate muscle fibers. To add intensity to the exercise, you can hold dumbbells.

Both the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus are used when doing a squat which makes it a good exercise. Squats are also good for the hips and the thighs. If you need back support you can use of a ball that can help you get the perfect position without it hurting your knees.

Multi-hip extensions are good for targeting the gluteus maximus and medius and the hamstrings. The machine can be tricky so it should be used used with professional help to get the necessary adjustments.

If you are targeting the muscles in your butt, the gluteus maximus, and other muscles in your but you will find that one legged squats will help you tone and workout those muscles. Just as you do lunges, there are other ways to do one-legged squats. So go for one that you can tolerate if not like. To increase the intensity you can use a higher range of motion.

These exercises will surely help you create that amazing butt you always dreamed of. When you start an exercise plan you need to start slow and work you way up. As well as starting slow you need to remember to stretch and warm up, thus reducing the risk of strains, sprains and injuries. Working out for only 30 minutes a day will give your a sexier rounder butt in no time.

When trying to tone your body and loose weight, exercise is not all there is to it. You also need to eat correctly and maintain workouts, combining these 2 things will help you be more successful. Do you want that perfect round, toned behind; one that only Michael Angelo's David could compare to, then go put your shoes on and start your workout now. - 17268

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