Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, September 25, 2009

How To Get Skinny Arms With Water

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you aware of the importance of hydration? Do you know how to properly manage your hydration? Well, learning how to optimize your water intake is essential if you want to maximize arm fat loss and get thin arms. Yet it can be very confusing.

Why is hydration management so confusing? Because of caffeine. Caffeine intakes in this day and age make it very difficult to predict just how much water your body is absorbing.

In fact, I believe that most women are victims of low-level dehydration without even knowing it.

So without further ado, here are 5 solid reasons for learning how to manage your water intake for getting thin arms:

1. Heat dissipation. Once your body gets hot it's a downward spiral. Overheating makes you fatigue very quickly. And fatiguing quickly translates into less exercise time.

2. Less blood. Blood carries nutrients to all the tissues in your body. And the biggest component of blood is water. So if you're dehydrated your body will get less fuel when it needs it.

3. Waste buildup. The cells in your body need water to excrete waste. Without enough water you'll suffer from toxic buildup. Not good!

4. Metabolic drops. Your metabolism dictates how many calories you burn even while you sleep. If you're dehydrated, expect a decrease in metabolism.

5. A decrease in mood. Water effects your mood. And this is probably the most overlooked aspect of dehydration and it's also the most detrimental. Anything that decreases motivation and worsens your mental output must be avoided like the plague.

6. Less work capacity. Muscles are mostly made of water. So what happens when you're dehydrated? You can't exercise as hard! Then end result? More arm fat!

Water does many more things in the female body. So please do not assume that this list is comprehensive! Ultimately, your body is mostly made of water so any level of dehydration is likely to affect many systems. So make sure you carry a source of water with you at all times and slowly drink from it during the day. - 17268

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