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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Easily

By Olivia Campbell-Price

Hemorrhoids are painful and itch and seem to go on forever when you have them. It's difficult to sit, and at times even sleep. But there are many ways that you can treat these hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids that are affecting your quality of life is something that you will need to discuss with your doctor to explore your options for how to treat hemorrhoids.

One procedure that a doctor can perform on an outpatient basis is rubber band ligation. A band is placed around the external hemorrhoid. This acts to cut off the blood supply to hemorrhoid and causes it to shrivel up and eventually fall off on its own. Once the hemorrhoid detaches however, you will need to keep watch to prevent the issues that led to the hemorrhoids in the first place.

Hemorrhoids can be removed by way of sending an electrical current through it. This procedure is referred to as hemorrhoidolysis. Sclerotherapy is another procedure whereby the hemorrhoid is injected with a substance that makes the hemorrhoid become hard and die off.

A rarely used therapy is cryosurgery, where the hemorrhoid will be frozen off; this was found to have too many side effects. It may be used but on very limited terms. Lasers may be used to remove the infected area, but it has become less popular through the years with other options becoming available that help out more.

For recurring or chronic cases of hemorrhoids, a hemorrhoidectomy may be recommended. This is a surgical procedure that is more invasive and entails to types. The first type is the total removal of hemorrhoidal tissue. This is the least favored option as there is evidence that incontinence will occur down the road for many patients. The other procedure, a stapled hemorrhoidectomy involves resecting the soft tissue to a dentate line and thereby restricting the flow of blood to the hemorrhoids. Both of these procedures are generally reserved for internal hemorrhoids.

Recovery from hemorrhoid treatments are not as bad as you fear. Prior to surgery, your doctor will discuss factors such as age, recovery time, etc. An invasive hemorrhoidectomy can take longer to recover from, but any procedure might cause certain discomfort. How to treat hemorrhoids will be a function of your own comfort level as well as the severity of your condition.

If surgery to remove hemorrhoids is not for you, then you may want to explore more natural avenues for how to treat hemorrhoids. Generally speaking, making improvements to your diet such as increasing the intake of fiber and water can help with keeping your bowel movements regular and less painful. Constipation is the leading cause of hemorrhoids, so this is important as is keeping active to reduce unnecessary pressure on hemorrhoidal tissue. - 17268

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