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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Learn About 5 Natural Methods of Boosting Growth Hormones to Grow Taller

By Rodney Williams

When it comes to growth and increasing height of the body, the single most powerful element is the juice secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. This juice is the growth hormone that makes every bone and tissue of the body grow bigger and longer.

No amount of stretching exercises will ever bear fruit without efficient functioning of the pituitary gland. Whatever efforts you take to increase your height will ultimately depend on how efficiently the growth hormones travel to each part of your body through the bloodstream.

Given below are 5 totally natural methods of boosting the growth hormones and their efficacy in reaching out to all body parts. These are established methods on how to get taller naturally.

1. Sleep well: Sleep for 8 hours every night and use tips to fall into deep sleep. The amount of growth hormones secreted and the efficiency with which they are transported to each area of the body depend on how much you sleep and how deep you sleep.

2. Eat smarter: Eat several small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. Large meals lead to high levels of insulin, and high levels of insulin obstruct the flow of growth hormones. With the same argument it is also essential to avoid high sugar foods.

3. Eat proteins before and after exercise: Eat a protein food one and a half hour before exercise and immediately after exercise. This boosts the amount of growth hormones and testosterone in the bloodstream. A combination of proteins and carbohydrates will also do, for example a chicken and salad sandwich.

4. Train vigorously: The amount of growth hormones in the bloodstream is directly proportional to the intensity of workouts. Focus on short bursts of intense activity to eke out every bit of the growth hormones. Combining these vigorous activities with specific stretching exercises is the best solution to the question of how to gain height naturally.

5. Don't eat close to bedtime: The pituitary gland discharges the highest amount of growth hormones in the first couple of hours of sleep. If there are high levels of insulin during that time due to the later dinner, they suppress the growth hormones and prevent them from reaching the bones. - 17268

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