Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, Deadlifts

By Ricardo d Argence

So, you're looking to pack on some serious muscle mass, right? You want to build a ripped, rock-solid physique that demands respect and turns heads everywhere you go, correct?

You'll be glad to know that this can be done, and it can be done quickly. So we're going to talk about an exercise that will more than likely take you where you want to go, and generally quicker than you thought possible. We don't need anything fancy to do this, in fact you can just use a basic weight barbell and somewhere flat to put it.

Make sure that the barbell has as much weight as humanly possible, or at least as much as you can lift. When this is done, you will want to pick up the bar while making sure that your back is straight. It sounds easy, but it's actually a weight known as the deadlift.

If your goal is to gain as much muscle mass as possible, in the shortest time possible, the the deadlift is definitely the way to go.

The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe. It is a raw, basic power movement and will literally stress every single muscle in your entire body to some degree.

The main areas of stimulation are the back (lower and upper) and thighs, but once you start deadlifting on a consistent basis you'll see gains just about everywhere.

There are actually a few ways that you can do the deadlift, but that's another story for another day. Let's go over the basic type, which is a the bent-leg deadlift. This is the standard way of doing it, and we'll go over it right now.

What you want to do is ensure your feet are wide apart, which is to say shoulder width. When you are sur4e you have it, grip the bar with your hands, and put your hands outside your legs. Most people use an overhand grip, but if you want you can have one palm facing in and one out.

Begin your workout in a squatted position, and keep the bar near your shins. Making sure that you maintain a flat back, tight abs, and staring straight ahead, lift upward, pushing up with your legs.

Once you have done that, then you should pull upward on your weight until you are fully standing. Next you should lower the weight in the exact same manner as you picked it up.

Put the weights on the ground, regain your composure, and then pull upward again after a deep breath. Do this until your muscles fail, or until you generally begin to slip.

Making sure that you maintain a decent form is very important when you are doing these deadlifts. You need to be able to lift quite a bit of weight, but you don't want to hurt yourself in the process.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your back flat at all times and to keep the weight close to your body. Keep your abs tight as well as this will minimize the stress on your lower back.

Do this over and over so that you get the whole thing down pat, and once you are familiar with it, then you can start going a little heavier. Lifting straps may be a good idea when you do your deadlifts because it will keep your grip from fading early on.

It is recommended that you do this approximately one time per week, but the big question is how many repetitions should you actually do per set. Deadlifts are pretty effective, and they'll help you out regardless of how many repetitions you actually do. It is recommended that you do five to seven, though there are people that do as many as twenty.

Mess around with it, and see which system is best. Make sure that you do this respectfully, and be ready for a life changing experience. - 17268

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