Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, October 5, 2009

It Is True - Vegetables Are Good For You - But Find Out Why Now

By Alan Hill

After some research, I have learned that by studying the effects of food there are different ways in which it interacts within the body. I know that it has been believed for quite some time that vegetables are ok but we now know that some are average and some are great.

It may surprise you to know that it has been a long time since many people have believed that vegetables were good for you, in truth some are ok and some are just fantastic.

It is not generally known, that of this important food group, there is a certain class of vegetables that contain certain nutrients that actually eat away abdominal fat.

Now you may or may not know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain phytonutrients that actually help to fight against abdominal fat. Yes that's right, not just good for us but they actually eat away existing fat tissue.

Its hard to believe I know, but its not only healthy for us but they actually disolve body fat that has been stored around our bodies.

I really should explain to you exactly what they are and why...

What are xenoestrogens (I can hear you say?), well they are chemicals which when exposed to your body can have an estrogenic effect and too much of this can result in hormone disruptions for human beings. So these can play tricks in our bodies.

These estrogenic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to store belly fat, along with many other problems. By fighting against these belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals, this can help you fight against abdominal fat and can actually help to make you slimmer and make your muscles stand out more prominently! So building fantastic abs !

There it is then - this is another one of those occasions when your Mother was right - you should eat your greens ! (Well certain ones anyway).

Brussel sprounts are quite nice you know - Just melt a bit of tasty cheese on the top of them with some herbs and garlic if you want and they really do taste good.

I've really learned to like brussels sprouts since I began following this course. You can melt a little grass-fed cheese on them and some garlic and they taste great!

I learned this by studying a course which at that time had not yet been published. It was one of the most amazing health courses that I have ever read and after just a few short weeks of putting the teachings into practice, I was able to see a distinct improvement in the shape of my abs. After 6 weeks of following what the course taught me, virtually all of my belly fat had just vanished.

It is true to say that I became a bit bored after a while but the course covered that and gave me some great suggestions on how to make these foods more interesting.

When I am at the gym now, you should see the looks I get and I was already quite fit and trim (being a Personal Trainer and all lol). Well the transformation was just out of this world and I can't help myself but grin during my working day; all because of what I picked up from this great and easy to follow course.

Although I am not selling this course - it is not mine to sell - I want as many people to know about it as possible - it has been written by someone who obviously knows a thing or two about nutrition - even though we have never met and even though I now know that the author of this work has conducted other great studies and provides some of the most innovative health courses that I have seen available today.

Some of this actual research data which was the background to the course had been compiled by a skilled team of healthcare professionals and I have heard that it is now being sold at a much reduced cost - I would ensure that you grab a copy prior to the cost going up - that is supposed to be soon; even so though, I would pay much more than the cost that this item was being sold at when I last looked. I apologize if this sounds like I am selling it, but what would you do if you came across something which is this effective, simple and so straight-forward that it makes other similar material seem inferior by comparison.

Pass this article onto your friends... I bet you'll shock them about xenoestrogens and how broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts can help to fight the battle against abdominal fat. Be like me and make it your mission to spread the word to as many people as you can.

Thank you Mike for publishing what is a first rate course on this subject - me and my friends (and my new girlfriends) are having a good time practising what you are teaching.

Have Fun and Enjoy!

Alan Hill

Certified Nutrition Specialist Certified Personal Trainer Master Hypnotherapist Master NLP Practitoner

P.S. Mike has some cool tricks which he teaches in his Fat Burning Kitchen Program' is that vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale ect, contain unique and specific phytonutrients - for example indole-3-cabinol (I3C) to help fight against estrogenic chemicals.

P.P.S. In case you haven't picked up your copy yet, Mike gives away at least 12 other specific foods, teas, spices, etc that help to combat the xenoestrogens and can help you to burn abdominal fat faster in the new program. - 17268

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